Author: John Greenewald

Case File Status: Information Only, Insufficient Evidence Background The following UFO report was submitted to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations on December 18, 2017. Due to the age of the sighting, and lack of visual evidence, the case is added here without scrutiny, and used for reference and archival purposes. Witness Testimony This happened when I was about nine or ten. My mother took my brother and myself to San Francisco from Mill Valley to do some shopping at the Army base. My brother and I decided we wanted to stay in the car. In those days the cars…

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Case File Status: Ongoing, Undetermined Introduction The following investigation is being conducted by TBV Investigations team member Erika Southey, and is ongoing. That means, this case file will morph and change as the case unfolds. Case Background by Erika Southey, TBV Investigations Last Updated 2/20/2018 This is an introduction article to the alleged “unexplained death” of Todd Sees. It may be over 18 years ago, but for his family; this day marks the loss of beloved husband, father and son. Firstly, my sincere condolences to the Sees family. My investigation of this case by no means carry any…

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Case File Status: Insufficient Evidence Background The following case was submitted to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations on December 18, 2017. Witness Testimony “Saw triangle shape with lights around the edges floating across the sky in the direction of Reagan airport. The craft was as large as a football field and just floated silently across the sky. I must admit that I was using my night vision goggles which is why no one else seemed to be disturbed or seemed to say or notice anything. Now I know there are giant flying triangles and what they are I have no…

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Case File Status: Insufficient Evidence Background The following case was submitted to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations on December 18, 2017. Witness Testimony I live in a separate building from the main house at this address. I was walking towards the west after taking out the trash, and I saw a shooting star directly above the main house. It went straight down, which was weird, and it lasted longer than a typical shooting star. But what was really weird was that its trajectory changed and it appeared to curve towards the west (away from me) at a practically 90…

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Case File Status: Hoax Background by John Greenewald, Jr. – The Black Vault – TBV Investigations This photograph appears on the Facebook / Edge of Wonder Page, as posted on February 14, 2018. Although there may be an earlier post “source” — this post alone has nearly 15,000 shares and more than 1,500 likes at the time of this writing, it constitutes as “viral” and deserves a mention here. Reason being, the photograph is a fairly provable fake. But, don’t let that stop the masses from “sharing” it with the world. Why? Well, it has to be real despite evidence to…

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