Author: John Greenewald

Case File Status: Insufficient Evidence / No contact with witness The following case was submitted to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations on January 26, 2018. It was assigned to team member Christopher Connelly for investigation. Witnesses Testimony UFO seen over Central Texas. This is a stop motion video I made by taking several long exposure photos of the sky and stitching them together in order. My camera isn’t good enough in low light to capture a video, so this is the best I could do. We saw it for 6 nights in a row, same location in the sky…

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Background by Rob Mercer I was recently scanning in documents from the Project Blue Book collection I received a few years ago to share on The Black Vault (see From The Desks Of Project Book). This allowed me to take the time to closer inspect some of the items that previously, I had only glanced at. The following three-page, hand written letter was stapled together and folded among a stack of other correspondences. The letter was written to Project Blue Book in 1969 from a then 71 year old man named James T. Kirk. It was regarding an event he…

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Case File Status: Insufficient Witness Contact / Stalled Background The following case was submitted to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations. However, after numerous attempts by team member Rob Mercer to contact the witness by phone and email, they did not return any messages. We decided to archive the case, in hopes the witness may reach out in the future, or corroborating testimony can be discovered. Witness Testimony The following was submitted by the witness (unedited): I joined the Air Force in February, 1996. After basic training, I was sent to Ft. Huachuca, Arizona (an Army base) for more training.…

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The following case file was written by BJ Booth of UFO Casebook, and is used here with permission. It can not be reproduced without prior permission. Background An Air Force RB-47, equipped with electronic countermeasures (ECM) gear and manned by six officers, was followed by an unidentified object for a distance of well over 700 miles, and for a time period of 1.5 hr., as it flew from Mississippi, through Louisiana and Texas and into Oklahoma. The object was, at various times, seen visually by the cockpit crew as an intensely luminous light, followed by ground-radar and detected on ECM…

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Background The following case was submitted by the witness, Richard Kidd. Richard is also one of our team members for TBV Investigations. This case plays a large role in his active, present day interest, in the UFO phenomenon. Witness Testimony This is an account of the sighting thats very personal to me. It occurred in August of 1966. My family and I were living in Oceanside California at the time. I grew up in Oceanside and lived in California until I was 31. When I was younger, at the age of 10, my 2 older brothers and went…

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