Author: John Greenewald

Case File Status: Unidentified, Insufficient Evidence Background The following report came in to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations on December 17, 2017. It was assigned to TBV Investigations team member Michael Kelly for investigation. Witness Testimony “I was driving West on I-90 at 75 MPH somewhere West of Mitchell, SD. The sky was clear and the moon almost full. About a mile ahead off to the right, I spotted 3 radio towers and began scrutinizing them waiting for the flashing red light required to alert small aircraft of their presence. After a few seconds (5 or less) I noticed…

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Case File Status: Unidentified, Possible Explanation Below Background The following was submitted to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations on December 20th, 2017. The witness described the encounter as the following: “This sighting took place in my backyard in Long Beach CA, Carson Park to be specific. I spend many hours per week sky watching in the yard and have seen and recorded many UFOs there. When I first spotted the UFO it looked very bright and was moving steadily across the sky. There were actually two objects at first when I spotted this bright orb. From a distance it looked larger…

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Case File Status: HOAX Background On social media, this particular photograph has been passed around in various Facebook groups and websites. It depicts NASA engineers at Dryden, posing with an unidentified craft in the shape of a flying saucer. The Photograph The Analysis The investigation on this, is very simple, and was easy to conduct. The hoaxer who created the image, did not even bother to change the photograph identification number. On the photograph in question, you will note it says: E49-059 as a Photo Identification number. A quick search of the NASA Dryden Photo archives, reveals to real photograph with…

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Case File Status: Inconclusive, Insufficient Evidence Background On December 18, 2017, a UFO witness submitted the following (and asked for anonymity) and the date given was approximate: “Travelling south on 4 lane highway 35mph limit saw a black pyramid shaped object float over tree tops on my left and fly above and in front of my now stopped car. I stopped my car because this was the strangest thing I ever saw up until that time. It stopped in front and above of me. It checked me out(only car on the road) and I checked it out for maybe 10…

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Case File Status: Insufficient Evidence Background by Michael Kelly, TBV Investigations On December 19, 2017, Ronald Male submitted the following UFO sighting to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations, which he witnessed from his driveway in Cazenovia, New York. The event occurred on July 19, 2006 at 10:30am: I brought my breakfast (bowl of cereal) outdoors to eat while sitting in my spring chair to be in the sun in the driveway on a very nice morning. As usual, the chair took a moment to stabilize, and when it stopped the back and forth rocking motion I was able to…

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