Author: John Greenewald

Case File Status: Hoax / Explainable Background On January 16, 2018, the following post went “viral” on the Facebook wall of Kurt Norris, who appears to be one of the originators and the root of this story. Although I do not “blame” him for the misinformation regarding this case, the internet as a whole did that part all on it’s own by forwarding, sharing and reposting the photos, most with allegations that aliens were attacking or that the government was using a particle beam weapons. Many posts claimed that Facebook was deleting the evidence, and urged others to forward/share/like etc. which…

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Background The following documents were collected by UFO Investigator Rob Mercer, and digitized to preserve their history. These documents are part of the “From the Desks of Project Blue Book” Archive. Item numbers 65-70 and 115-122 are notes that are not included in the National Archives version. Also included is the Socorro Mock up photo that that came with the collection. Project Blue Book Case File Socorro, New Mexico UFO Landing, 24 April 1964 [217 Pages, 88MB] The above file is amazing UFO history, with never before seen, handwritten notes, on the Socorro case. Although many of these pages are found in…

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