Author: John Greenewald

Case File Status: Insufficient Evidence (Low Res Video Quality) Background The following case was submitted to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations on December 29, 2017. The witness’ brother submitted the following: “My brother filmed this UFO 12-17 in Detroit, Michigan at night at our uncle’s home, no airports nearby. The UFO was yellowish in the center, circling around was yellowish in various colors moving like a jelly fish, but as he filmed this thing the circular UFO appeared white, and that field around the object broke up in box form as static, but its plain to see. It also…

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Case File Status: Insufficient Evidence, Possible Military Aircraft Background On December 21, 2017, the witness sent in the following report to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations. It has only been slightly edited for ease of reading, but context did not change: “I do not remember the date nor the specific time. It was probably in 2012 or 2013 in winter or early spring. I know how that sounds. I only talked to several people at the time, but I was expecting to hear reports so did not say much. I never did hear about anyone else seeing what I…

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Case File Status: Unexplained Background by Rob Mercer, TBV Investigations The witness reported that while out observing and photographing the moon and several planets on November 4, 2016 at her home at approximately 7:20 pm, she noticed 2 bright red objects coming from the west in the southern sky.  Both objects were unwavering and flew in a controlled fashion while staying in a vertical position. The diameter of the objects appeared to be slightly larger than an aspirin held at arm’s length. Distance was hard to judge since the event to place with the sky as a backdrop. Due to…

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Case File Status: Unidentified Background by Christopher Connelly, TBV Investigations The witness states that he was spending 3 days on the beaches of North Myrtle beach. He states that one the first night he began to see lights about a mile out at sea acting in ways that were unbecoming of any aircraft that he had witnessed in the past. The second night continued as such and on the third night, he states that the activity had increased significantly. This led to the witness grabbing his camera that had night vision capabilities and he filmed a 4 minute long video,…

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Case File Status: Likely Explainable Background On December 6, 2017, the witness submitting the following information to The Black Vault: Hello John About myself: I am sound mind and body. I am 63, and just retired. Moved to Las Vegas in February of 2016. Goal was to go to Area 51, photograph mountains, and UFOs. Yea right! I am ex Navy 15 years, and ex Military Police for 3 years of those 15. I have been shooting photography my entire life. I used a Sony A350. It’s 14 years old or so, but in good working condition. I just bought…

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