Author: John Greenewald

Case File Status: Explained The following report was created by Dylan Santiso of TBV Investigations. It can not be reproduced in any way, without prior permission. The photographs are copyrighted to their respective owners. They are used here under fair use, as they were originally posted publicly on various media outlets. Background On December 29th, 2017 RT News Channel, reported on what some social media users in Lipeskt, Russia called a, “UFO”. Please see the RT Article titled, “UFO Traverses Night Sky”in Western Russia”: “First, there was a bright spot in the sky, then came the light – similar to…

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Case Status: Solved Background by John Greenewald, Jr., TBV Investigations On the night of December 22, 2017, The Black Vault received numerous emails and telephone calls about a mysterious object, or objects, over the greater Los Angeles area. I live in this area (specifically, Castaic) and witnessed the event first hand. Having grown up in the San Fernando Valley, I witnessed launches of rockets from Vandenberg Air Force Base numerous times. The object that created quite a stir was a SpaceX launch of their Iridium 4 Mission, scheduled for this day. According to SpaceX: SpaceX is targeting launch of Iridium-4…

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Case File Status: Likely Explainable, See Below Background On December 6, 2017, the witness submitting the following information to The Black Vault: Hello John About myself: I am sound mind and body. I am 63, and just retired. Moved to Las Vegas in February of 2016. Goal was to go to Area 51, photograph mountains, and UFOs. Yea right! I am ex Navy 15 years, and X Military Police for 3 years of those 15. I been shooting photography my entire life. I used a Sony A350. It’s 14 years old or so. But in good working condition. I just…

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Oumuamua Scouting Our Solar System by Erika Southey, TBV Investigations OUMUAMUA, an interstellar object has caused quite a bit of speculation, a stir and captured the interest of many an Astrophile. The worldwide web is rife with various reports of this oddly shaped object. Some even thought it to be an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO). Scientists are certain it’s not. Oumuamua (Hawaiian term for scout) was discovered at the Haleakala Observation in Hawaii by Robert Weryk using Pan-STARRS 1. This oddly shaped 400 meters long by about 40 meters wide object was classified as a hyperbolic asteroid. It’s origin still…

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The following report was created by Christopher Connelly of TBV Investigations. It can not be reproduced in any way, without prior permission. The photographs are copyrighted to their respective owners. They are used here under fair use, as they were posted publicly on Reddit, Imgur, etc. Case File Status: Likely Explainable Background Report by Christopher Connelly, TBV Investigations On 12/1/17, I came across a post on Reddit that that caught my eye. The author of the post (Machinegamer), wrote the following describing what we are looking at: “Was having a drink with my boss in his office today. I’m a conspiracy…

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