Author: John Greenewald

It was captured just past 2.00pm on 09/10/2016 over South Yorkshire, England in the UK. Just had a feeling to look up and saw this incredible flying car shaped UFO, flying overhead in a straight line so we got our Panasonic HCV-550 video camera and using the 90x intelligent zoom, captured it. The UFO seems to be shaped like a car with 2 protrusions at the front of it. It seems to have a protrusion at the back with something dangling down from it. It seems to have a blue panel at the upper back. At first we thought…

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What is “Gigapan”? Gigapans are gigapixel panoramas, digital images with billions of pixels. They are huge panoramas with fascinating detail, all captured in the context of a single brilliant photo. Phenomenally large, yet remarkably crisp and vivid, gigapans are available to be explored at Zoom in and discover the detail of over 50,000 panoramas from around the world. One particular upload, was from a NASA Ames consultant, which had the following description: “On Sol 1450 Curiosity opened eyes wide and captured the entirety of the huge ruin mounds on either side of it as is was heading out of…

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Location of Sighting: Ben Wheeler, Texas Date of Sightings: (Photos Received August 5, 2017) Witness Testimony: The following information was received by Bill Puckett of UFOs NorthWest. It is used here with permission, and can not be reproduced in any way. “Hi: the aliens are talking to me. I got photos of it and photos of flying disk.They come in through the walls at night. I am in Benwheeler, Texas. I have so much more I can blow your mind. At a old Indian battle ground I got two disk and eight orbs and sixty white things flying around me all…

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Background The following case was published by The Daily Record. The article is used under fair use, and for archival/research purposes. All copyrights are maintained by their respective owners. On July 18, 2017, The Daily Record reported: Residents in Stirlingshire village react to sighting of mystery ‘creature’ in field BY KAIYA MARJORIBANKS People in the west Stirlingshire village of Killearn could be giving Loch Ness a run for its money. Main Street resident Jimmy Wright (66) snapped this odd sight while walking his son’s dog on Crow Hill – known locally as ‘the cowfield’. These days such things cause ripples…

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Background In this letter, dated February 9, 1976, from Dr. J. Allen Hynek to pioneer physical trace ufologist Henry McKay, Hynek mentions setting up a CUFOS affiliate with Henry in Ontario, Canada. Four months prior, Hynek contacted Henry requesting he investigate the Suffern Three Mile Lake Incident where a UFO reportedly landed on a road and a creature was claimed to have been seen wearing a one-piece, silver-coloured suit with a white or light-coloured globe on its head. The letter is dated the year before the release of the Steven Spielberg movie, “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”, a term…

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