Author: John Greenewald

The following case files and images are used with permission by the Henry McKay UFO Archives. They can not be reproduced in any way without prior permission. Background This case from the Henry McKay UFO Archives involves a UFO landing, creature sighting, and a male claiming to be calling from the White House. Dr. J. Allen Hynek, director of CUFOS at the time and former astronomy consultant for the U.S. Air Force’s UFO projects including Project Blue Book, contacted pioneer physical trace ufologist Henry McKay requesting he investigate the incident. Henry arrived at the site on October 9, less than…

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Please note: The following case is used here, with permission. It is not to be reproduced or republished without written permission. Background This case is from the Henry McKay UFO Archives and involves a UFO landing in a field of tobacco plants, as well as a greenish-blue residue found at the site. The incident was investigated by pioneer physical trace ufologist Henry McKay. The late Henry McKay (1927-2007) was the first director of MUFON Canada and also investigated for CUFOS (headed by Dr. J. Allen Hynek), NICAP (headed by Maj. Donald Keyhoe of the U.S. Marines), APRO (headed by Jim…

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The following case was submitted by Investigator/Researcher Alex Mistretta, who can be contacted at: [email protected]. He has graciously allowed the following photographs, and his research, to be archived here on The Black Vault for reference. Please add your comments and input in the comments section below. As more information becomes available, it will be added to this case file. Summary by Alex Mistretta This got started when I heard from one of my sources in Europe that some pictures that I might want to take a look at were making the rounds. These turned out to be the pictures that a…

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UPDATED 7/11/2017 WITH GAIA INTERVIEW ADDRESSING SKEPTICAL QUESTIONS – SEE BELOW. Background For those of you who follow The Black Vault, you will know I try to keep a logical, COMMON SENSE, approach to all things paranormal and conspiracy.  My detailed critique of the “Roswell Slides” gave those curious, but critical, minds something to reference as the story unfolded. The story ultimately ended up being a misidentified artifact, or possibly, an outright hoax. You decide which one – but it was NOT alien. Now, only two years after that story broke, another “mummy” has appeared on the internet. This one, a…

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Background The Black Vault maintains no official stance on cases like this. It was added here in the Cryptozoology section as a new case for investigation.  Although it is largely thought to be simply a deformed lamb born by a sheep, infected by the Rift Valley Fever, however others maintain an explanation much more paranormal. This story was originally published by The Daily Mail.  All copyrights on the material are reserved by their respective owners. This material is used here for reference purposes. Have some thoughts? Publish your comments below. As published by the Daily Mail on June 22, 2017:…

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