Author: John Greenewald

Location of Sighting: Cocoa, Florida Date of Sighting: April 6, 2017 Time of Sighting: 8:05 PM EDT Witness Testimony I saw approximately 10 glowing red orange objects moving slowly (10 to 15 MPH) South-Southeast parallel to I-95. The objects appeared to be East of I-95 by 100 yards or so. The objects turned due East for 2 minutes and then vanished all at the same point. There was one trail vehicle behind the others and it took the same path as the others, but it stayed in the area an extra 2 minutes. It also vanished shortly after turning due…

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Location of Sighting: Juneau, Alaska Date of Sighting: March 31, 2017 Time of Sighting: 10 PM ADT Description: A woman and her aunt were driving and her aunt first saw an object that she thought was an airplane. The niece said that the object was too big to be a plane and had a spherical shape. The witness stated that the object was also too big to be a drone. The object was close to the car. The object flew over some trees and shined spotlights towards the ground. The witness thought that the object was the size of a…

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Background The Travis Walton abduction is well known to most people reading this. Suffice to say he was part of a logging crew on November 5, 1975 in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest. The abduction site is in the east central Arizona mountains, and is accessed only by old logging roads. After calling it a day, and with the sun going down, the crew of seven got in the truck to head home. As they traveled down the road, a UFO was spotted hovering off to the side. Travis got out, approached it, and was hit by a beam. The crew…

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Background The background as reported by Nancy Talbott follows. This is in her words except the Experiencer’s and another investigator’s names are removed. “June 17, 2013 – White Powder, found inside Florida home by (Experiencer), on marble window-sill & behind electric fireplace DETAILS: (Experiencer) has been interested in UFOs/ETs, etc. for many years; is (or has been) a “Field Investigator” for Florida MUFON. She has visually seen light-balls (BOLs) from time to time in her house, once in 2016 after a hurricane when there was no electric power in neighborhood & her house totally dark. Has done a lot of…

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Witness Testimony This video was captured within two miles of my home in Las Vegas, Nevada on the night of March 19, 2016. What an awesome sight this was to see. I saw a light in the sky just above the closest mountain to my home which is less than two miles away and began to film it because I could tell it was a UFO immediately. This is also the same mountain that shows up in many of my videos of UFOs just above a rooftop of a building near my home. This time, I saw where the UFO…

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