Author: John Greenewald

This case was first submitted to UFO Casebook. It is republished on The Black Vault, with permission. Witness Testimony Filmed in Chiclayo, Peru February 27, 2017 – 12:30 am to about 1:30 am: I do not know what this is, only that this is what I am filming. I went outside to look at the sky to see if it was going to rain, since it was raining on the other side of town. When I first looked up, I could not see the sky well due to street lights, so I used my hands like binoculars and saw what…

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The following witness testimonial was obtained by UFO Casebook and is used here, with permission. This can no be reproduced in any way, without further permission. Witness Testimony SAS soldiers waiting to ambush IRA gunmen were stunned when aliens walked in front of their gun-sights, it was claimed yesterday. The undercover troops – hiding near an arms cache on a hillside in South Armagh – say they saw up to four small grey figures. The “aliens” and soldiers stared at each other for a minute. Then the “spacemen” disappeared – and seconds later the eight SAS troops saw a flash…

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Witness Testimony I was taking my dog outside. I first noticed the object because it flew from over the field across my house. I had no idea what to think about the object when I first saw it, my only instinct was to get out my phone and start recording because it definitely wasn’t something I had ever seen before. I first saw the object when it flew over the trees across from my house and flew quite quickly in a straight pattern over and away from my house. It was shaped like a dome with a slight point on…

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Background Two witnesses observed barbell-shaped UFOs dispensing white filament-like material. The account as written by the principal investigator Bill Schroeder follows. “On November 4th, 2016 the Investigator was contacted by witness 1. He advised that he and witness 2 had observed a number of Barbell shaped objects in flight over his dwelling. The object first observed was silver metallic in color and 20 to 30 inches in length. When first observed the object was at rooftop level or about 35 feet over his head. The object was moving silently and laterally towards a small lake just south of the dwelling.…

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Background A specimen which included a small fiber was removed from the back of an Experiencer on April 4, 2012. There is also a crystalline material included with the specimen. The object is to determine the composition of the specimen and crystal, and whether it could be related to an alien implant. Another specimen from the same experiencer was recently analyzed. Conclusions The specimen is a multi-component mixture. In order of approximate concentration these include calcium carbonate (calcite), ester type material (possible glycerol type or sorbitan monooleate) and quartz. Visually noted is a fiber which is a minor part of…

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