Author: John Greenewald

Background A fibrous material was removed from the right shoulder blade of an Experiencer on August 15, 2015. From email exchanges this analyst understands that at least one other ‘fiber’ was pulled from the Experiencer’s back in 2012. The object is to determine the composition of the specimen, and whether it could be related to an alien implant. Conclusions The specimen is not an alien implant. It is of plant origin and has a composition typical to splinter from a piece of wood, i.e. cellulose, lignin, and hemicelluloses. This is confirmed by microscopic and infrared analysis. A small amount of…

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Background Two boys ages 9 (Jose Padilla) and 7 (Remigio Baca) set out on a search to find a cow that was calving. After locating the cow, which was fine and nursing her healthy newborn, they sat down to a small lunch when they noticed smoke coming from a draw. They headed toward it, and as they topped a rise saw a gouge in the earth and circular object at the end of it. Reme said, “It was the color of the old pot my mother was always trying to shine up, a dull metallic color.” Moving closer, they found…

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Background The witness of this event is an experiencer who has had multiple paranormal events most of his life. A strange occurrence happened February 6, 2014 around 4:50 a.m. He woke up quite early (4:30), retrieved the newspaper from the mailbox, poured a glass of water, and sitting on the edge of the bed began to read the paper. The next conscious memory was waking up at 8:30 or 8:45 feeling disorientated. Shaking and trembling went on for 5-10 minutes. When he went to the bathroom he noticed that the tee shirt he was wearing was turned inside out and…

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Background The background as reported in the posted CMS file on the MUFON website1 reads as follows. “Witness contacted Oregon MUFON Asst. SD regarding an apparent implant removed from right adenoid or other glandular passage in his throat. Object has been secured by Oregon SD and will be submitted for analysis. Additional sighting experiences related dating back to approximately 1946 or 1947. These will be described in the complete report.” The objective is to identify the AFO. Conclusions The sample is composed of primarily calcium phosphate and a small amount of calcium carbonate. Possibly a very small amount of calcium…

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Background Four witnesses of the event include a man, his wife, and two tenants who rent an upstairs room in their house. The tenants were outside about midnight on June 29th smoking cigarettes when they observed multiple orange-red unidentified aerial objects descend over their neighborhood. At the height of the event there were up to 24 objects. They were silent and floated irregularly. One of the tenants filmed the event using his SamSung Galaxy S5 phone. Toward the end, the objects appeared to slowly and silently move off into the distance in sort of a formation. One orb was still…

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