Author: John Greenewald

Background/Objective Identify a plastic fragment from the Roswell debris field. Conclusions The specimen is identified as polystyrene. This is a common plastic first commercialized in the 1930s. The shape of the fragment suggests it is part of a plastic eating utensil. This is a very common use for polystyrene.1 The earliest patent for a polystyrene eating utensil is February 21, 1950. 2 So, it is unlikely related to a crash retrieval team in 1947. The outside surface has suffered oxidative degradation i.e. suffered weathering due to exposure to sunlight under atmospheric conditions. Polystyrene is normally designed for a one time…

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Background On June 24, 2011, 1:21 a.m., the witness was driving eastbound from Flagstaff, AZ to Leupp AZ. The account in his words follows: “While driving east bound from Flagstaff, AZ to Leupp, AZ, I noticed a red light in the sky. It was approximately 800 feet in the air and at first I assumed it was a helicopter because of the low flying distance. I rolled the window down to see if I could hear any type of noise; no sound was present. The time was 1:21 a.m.: and as I drove onward, the light descended and flew parallel…

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Background On January 2, 2011, 6:30 p.m. a glowing metallic sphere was observed to shoot up to the sky from the witnesses back yard. On the ground two circular marks approximately 9 inches in diameter and side by side were noted on the grass where the object had apparently been in contact. The eastern spot (Site A) appeared to suffer a bleaching effect, i.e. was an off-white color. The western spot (Site B) appeared to be burned from top down. Conclusions No unusual anomalies were detected in the vegetation and soil samples from contact site A. They are similar to…

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Background A wheat crop formation was “seen” by Robbert van den Broeke in a vision, as it was occurring. This formed on August 2, 2010 in Holland. Roy Boschman went to the location described by Robbert as soon as it was light. He indeed found a formation. He also noted some of the seed-heads appeared to be partially burned. These were at the very end of a partially completed ring, or “arc”, which was part of a formation. The objective is to determine whether the cause of the blackening was burning or ustilago fungus. Following are photographs with a graphic…

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Location of Sighting: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Date of Sighting: January 1, 2017 Time of Sighting: 6:15 PM EST Description: I used my phone to zoom in to what I thought was the brightest star I have ever seen. I love zooming in to see what stars look like up close. Well when I zoomed in, this did not look like all the other stars that I have zoomed in on. This looked like a glowing orb with a small dark center and this orb also appeared to be pulsating. I continued to hold my camera zoomed in on this “star” and…

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