Author: John Greenewald

Location of Sighting: Cape Cod, Massachusetts Date of Sighting: January 5, 2017 Time of Sighting: 6 PM EST Description: A man in Cape Code, MA got home from work and went outside to smoke a cigarette. He was looking up at the moon and saw a dim object flying to the north. He first that that the object was a satellite, but it made a 180 degree turn. The object then started arcing around the moon. When it reached the brighter side of the moon it became brighter. The witness thought the object could have been a military craft or…

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Location of Sighting: Long Island, New York Date of Sighting: January 15, 2017 Time of Sighting: 8:30 PM PST Description: It was one of the clearest skies we have had this winter. Looking north toward the beach all the stars and the planets were out shining bright. Directly north is Orion. That’s where we saw the two orange glowing lights brighter than anything in the sky. They felt close and moving around each other fading in and out until one disappeared followed by the other one. They looked like stars but with an orange glow and closer. UFOs NorthWest Update…

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Location of Sighting: Long Beach, California Date of Sighting: January 16, 2017 Time of Sighting: 7:30 to 8:30 PM PST Description: I saw this bright light in the sky. It was visible for about 45 minutes in the sky and moved very slowly before I lost sight of it due to trees. I have a 30 second video also that can be enlarged. My sighting was on 1-16-2017 from 1930 hours to 2030 hours. Here is the video. This is looking west from Long Beach, California. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. Thank you. UFOs NorthWest Note:…

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Background A cigar-shaped UFO was observed in Memphis, Tennessee in April 2010. The witness claims a jelly-like substance had fallen from the sky after sighting the craft in the sky. The objective is to identify the substance. A photograph of one of the gel samples (#3) is above. It has a clear, colorless appearance. Conclusions The jelly-like material is sodium poly(acrylic acid/acrylamide) copolymer and water. This polymer is noted for taking on water many times its own weight. This material has many uses. It is commonly used in agriculture/farming because of its water retaining ability. Several companies distribute this material.…

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Background Two formations in snow appeared in December 2009, one on December 19th and the other on December 22nd. (See Observations of them included: a.) No footprints were found in the rings or elsewhere in the field; b.) No marks of any kind in the centers of the circular rings; c.) Rings were created by removal of the top 4 inches of snow, but snow was not removed down to the surface of the soil. d.) No evidence of the snow that had been removed to create rings (where did it go?); e.) No evidence of icing in the…

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