Author: John Greenewald

Background White powders identified as a hydrated form of magnesium carbonate, specifically with formula (MgCO3)4•Mg(OH)2•5H2O, have been examined by this laboratory from assorted unusual events occurring in Holland. One powder was associated with the appearance of a ball of light (Technical Service Report: UT009) and three others were found in different crop formations (Technical Service Report: UT055). Another white powder was recently procured from a crop formation which occurred on October 5, 2009 in Hoeven, Holland. A photograph of the powder as found in the formation is above. Following is a diagram of the formation. The white powder was found…

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Background A witness experienced a close contact with a UFO in Buffalo, Oklahoma on May 18, 2009 at 12:30 a.m. Excerpts from the Field Investigator’s report follow. 5/18/2009 Sunday about 12:30am. facing west Witness first noticed that lights were flying very low (going way to slow to be an airplane) and appeared to have just flown over Buffalo Witness described object with blue, red, and white strobe lights (were large and in line with each other) with quite a bit of distance in between all three. The middle light was white and strobe very slowly, and the red/blue lights were…

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Background The background as stated by the witness follows: “I was in bed, all of a sudden my bedroom lite up like a major size spot lite. I put my hand in front of my eyes to block the lite, a few seconds later it vanished. No noise. I didn’t pay much attention to this until a few days later, outside of my house, I have a beautiful tree and the grass is fine, my shrubs are fine, but the soil around the tree is very dry, and every leaf on the tree is burnt to a crisp, not one…

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Background The background of this event was related to this laboratory via a phone conversation with W. C. Levengood on 13 July 2009. A bovine excision occurred on a ranch in Colorado on March 8, 2009. Black particulates were found near the animal. The object is to identify the black particulates. Conclusions The black particulates are identified as coal. No other materials are detected. This may be native to the area, or transported to the area from another source. The Analysis

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Background The background of this event was related to this laboratory via phone conversations with W. C. Levengood on 13 April 2009 and 13 July 2009. A witness in Arizona purports that he and his wife have had multiple visitations by entities. On one occasion, in September 2008, he claims that three entities entered his home. He said he had ready access to a sword, and ran it through one of the entities. A red substance squirted across the room, and splattered on a window. The ‘being’ looked surprised and disappeared. The red substance was collected and sent for analysis.…

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