Author: John Greenewald

Background The background of this event as reported in an e-mail (3/11/2009) from Derrel Sims follows: “At approximately 2:40 am, January 2, 2008 two Leyton, UT men (ages 23 and 32) were startled by a commotion outside their home, approximately ¼ mile south of Hill AFB. Simultaneously, both of their cell phones rang and caller ID indicated “unknown”. Both men left the house and were surprised to find two sets of footprints in the 8” deep snow. Seven were approximately 2.5 feet long, with no entry or terminal prints, having three toes resembling a lizard track. The other set of…

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Background The background of this event is reported in the September 2008 MUFON Journal and follows: “Denise Murter was out in the yard with her dog at 4:10 AM on July 8, 2008. This was her fourth sighting since mid-April. She looked up in the sky and saw four lights this time, three on the front of the object that looked like two eyes and a nose and were as bright as headlights, and a pink colored light toward the rear of the object. The craft emitted a blue fog out of what appeared to be the rear; the fog…

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Background At approximately 3:00 a.m., October 2, 2008, the witness got up and noted that it was “real light” outside, but didn’t look out. A black circle about 15 feet across in the direction of the bright light was noticed the morning after the event. The black residue around the circle was “kind of frosted” and glowed somewhat. A photograph of the circle follows. The objective is to examine the circle soil for any anomalies. Conclusions No unique materials were detected in the circle soil. All samples contain the usual soil components: silicate (mostly quartz mineral); calcium carbonate (calcite mineral);…

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Background A woman woke up on July 34, 2008 around 1-2 a.m. in Wilcox, Arizona. She heard a loud spraying noise which lasted about 30 seconds and felt mist on her face. She was alone and turned on the night. The noise stopped. Her hair, pillowcase and sheet were wet. The hair stuck together similar to the effect that a mousse/gel would impart. Following is a narrative written by Nancy Talbott along with a photograph of the back of house showing the three bedroom windows from the outside. The objective is identify the substance imparting the stickiness to the hair…

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Background Three white powders originate from three different and bizarre events that occurred in a Bosschenhoofd, Holland field June 27-29, 2007. The objective is to identify the white powders. A brief synopsis of the events follows. Sample S-#1 (Circle 3) June 27-28, 2007: On the evening of June 27, 2007 Robbert van den Broeke sensed a crop formation was about to occur. He went to the perceived field with two witnesses. Arriving in the field the witnesses felt some ‘unusual’ energy. Robbert separated from the witnesses.They noted that his silhouetted figure disappeared, and simultaneously a ball of light (BOL) appeared…

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