Author: John Greenewald

Background In 1995 a chunk of metal fell from an unknown “craft” flying overhead. The bizarre event as described by the chief investigator, Joe Stets, follows. “The event happened in the summer of 1995 about 40 miles east of Columbus in Hopewell, Ohio. The witness was going out to get the mail when he heard what sounded like metal grinding on metal. He looked around but didn’t see anything. Still hearing the sounds he looked up and sighted “a craft”. This craft was “primitive looking”. Very squarish and silent. He estimated it to be 300′ long with a “wing of…

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Background A purported UFO crashed on the San Agustin Plains in New Mexico circa July 1947. For many years investigators have tried to locate fragments from this crash. Chuck Wade has made trips to the possible site of the crash and brought back a number of metal fragments and one sample of plastic-like material. The metal samples have been examined by other laboratories using EDS (Energy dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy)1 elemental analysis and other tests. The objective is to determine what information infrared spectroscopy can provide about these fragments and the “plastic”. It should be noted that infrared analysis is used…

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Background The witness was in the shower at approximately 11:45 a.m. on March 11, 2006. A substance fell out of her nose. It made an arch, then twisted and wrapped around itself. Initially it felt like cloth, then later, like hard material. The object of this analysis is to determine whether this substance is an alien implant. Microscope photographs of both sides of the object follow. Conclusions The substance is identified as a man-made polymer. Specifically its composition is poly(styrene:acrylate ester). This is a common polymer and probably is plastic from some debris around the house. This shows the object…

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Background The background as described by the witness follows: “About a month ago I woke up with a clearish, yellowish substance dried on my stomach and in my belly button. It was not on my nightgown or sheets. It itched, and when I scratched my stomach, it flaked off. I used the Q-tips to clean it up. When I told Richard Lee about this about a week later, he told me to keep the Q-tips, so I rescued them with the other Q-tips in the waste basket. I used 3 of them to clean up the yellowish substance. I didn’t…

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Background A massive amount web-like material was observed covering a large area in northeastern Colorado farm country on October 14, 2005 and October 17, 2005. Following are exerpts, with slight modifications, from William Phillip’s (the witness) letter of 11/16/2006. “On October 14th, I was traveling in Northeastern Colorado on my way to Holyoke, CO. It was between 9:00 PM and 10:00 PM. As I recall the sky was a little overcast and a slight breeze. I had driven Northeast on I76 from Denver to the Sterling, CO exit. I took US Hwy 6 East towards Holyoke, which is about 50…

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