Author: John Greenewald

Background A witness, who has purportedly experienced multiple UFO related events over his lifetime, informed MUFON that he was in possession of an air-filled, red balloon on which there appears to be a handprint of unknown origin. He is wondering if the imprint on the balloon may be evidence of a real physical visitation. This happened in his home on October 19, 2005. The stem was touched when deflating the balloon for shipping to Frontier Analysis. This resulted in a black stain on the witnesses skin. The object is to analyze the red balloon, and other related samples, to determine…

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Background The event is described in the analytical request by William Puckett. An edited account follows. The witness experienced two encounters with a UFO over a two-day period, i.e. early August 24 and early August 25, 2005. It involved a couple traveling from Eagle rock, Missouri to a small camping park near Marion, Ohio. The first encounter was near Indianapolis, IN while traveling east on I-70. The woman (primary witness) saw bright flames to the north. She became quite sickened by a strong odor, which was similar to creosol, sulfuric acid, and tar. She used to work for DOW Chemical…

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Background The event is briefly described in a request submitted by Nancy Talbott as follows. “A 4-5 ft. diam. glowing, translucent ball of light was observed drifting horizontally 10 feet above power lines at dusk. Flames erupted, moving “like electricity” thru tree tops, as object (w/multiple 6-8 inch fiery red rods protruding from underside) hit tree line, and falling sparks ignited brush on ground.” Mike Price prepared a very detailed, well-researched final report for MUFON on January 6, 2006. The objective is to analyze soils, wood samples and a piece of plastic from the site to determine whether there are…

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Background The background as described by Nancy Talbott follows. “The enclosed corn stalks come from a crop formation in Mission B.C., Canada which occurred in late August, 2002. You’ll note that the stalks have a lot of black on them. The stuff on the leaves I suspect is from fungus. But there is a different quality to the black on the roots and inside the corn stalks near the bottom which we are wondering about. Could this be a carbon blackening? Like perhaps one might see in a lightning strike? Or is it just the fungus?” The objective is to…

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Background A lady, who claims an alien abduction, found a small pellet in her mouth. There is speculation that this may be an implant. The purported implant will be referred to as “the object” throughout this report. The purpose of this analysis is to identify the object, that is, specifically determine whether there is any anomaly which would indicate it is an alien implant. Conclusions The object is definitely not an alien implant. It is positively identified as 7½ lead shot from a shotgun shell. Properties such as diameter, weight, and softness match that of the lead shot reference. Also,…

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