Author: John Greenewald

Case File Status: Information Case Only; No Formal Investigation The following case was submitted to The Black Vault. Although there was no formal investigation or conclusion posted, it is archived here for reference purposes. The photograph was taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on 29 December 2006. It was originally posted and profiled by Jean Ward on YouTube. According to Mr. Ward: Here I feature an anomaly I discovered at a new site in Ceti Mensa in the region Valles Marineris. The anomaly looks like a disc-shaped object which hit the surface of Mars at a very low angle and…

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Case File Status: Information Case Only; No Formal Analysis by The Black Vault. The Black Vault holds no position of what the video depicts, and offers this page for the community to analyze all information available. This case is also still unfolding so this page will likely be updated frequently. Last Update: 10/7/2021 Background The following video is allegedly a “leaked” video from the Department of Homeland Security. Per the on screen display, it was shot on November 23, 2019. The object is allegedly is Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) and can not be explained. The video was leaked to and…

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Here is a short case summary from the Project Blue Book file on the case: A report of a UFO was received from Mr. Dale F. Spaur, Badge #15, Portage County Sheriff’s Office, Ravenna, Ohio., 17 Apr 66. Sighting between 0300 and 0600 hours. “First sighted in Ravenna, Ohio along Routes 224 – 44, followed object to Conway, Pa., for about 80 miles. Object seemed to be taking off from ground, oblong shaped, with antenna projecting from it. There were no colored lights only a very bright silvery radiance. Object flying about 500 feet over vehicle. It would slow down…

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