Author: John Greenewald

Background A cow (#8) was found mutilated on the morning of April 7, 2003. “….knife marks were found near the animal’s teat which was intact but partially removed. No blackening was noted around the animal’s mouth or tongue, but a bite shaped wound was apparent in the roof of the animal’s mouth as well as on the tongue, consistent with, according to the veterinarian, the animal biting down hard. The animal was found dead in eight inches of mud, about 70 feet from the roadway. The owner and local law enforcement noticed both fresh vehicle tracks in the snow as…

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Background The background as described by Nancy Talbott follows: “A most unusual pictogram” was found in Norway in December 2003. It was made up of ice, 2-3 cm high, formed in rings and pathways. A light snow had fallen on top of the ice circle making it clearly visible. The following spring fieldworkers took 4 soil samples and 4 soil controls in the hopes that you could look at them for any sign of a contaminant in the soils that might account for the ground/snow melting and then re-freezing. Interviews with locals provided no ready explanation for the marking. The…

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Background The background as described by Del Anderson follows: “A friend of mine who is versed in Ufology had an unusual experience recently, about the middle of Feb. 2005. He lives in SC at present. He was having trouble with a sore nose and when he came out to the living room on the morning following the evening he was having trouble he found a triangular piece of material on the floor, directly below where he sat that previous evening.” A photograph of the triangular object next to a ruler follows: The objective is to identify the above material. Conclusions…

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Background Investigators Billy K. Rachels and Gordon Reeves provided the following background. “A south Georgia woman (name and location withheld by request) awoke on Monday, June 23, 2003 at 5:30 a.m. to a strange sight. Looking in the mirror she saw a dried blue substance all the way around her neck, a big blob on her hair on the back of her head, as well as some on the pillow case. Upon a closer look, there was a small amount on the palms of her hands, in between her fingers, and on the back of her arms between wrist and…

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Background The background of the abduction event such as exact time, location, and other details were not provided to this analyst. The approximate time of the event was circa late 2003. After the abduction, areas of her body were noted to fluoresce when exposed to a UV lamp. Five samples (four skin scrapings from various areas and one set of fingernail clippings) were submitted for analysis of the material responsible for the fluorescence. Conclusions 1.) Skin samples were on mending tape, which caused considerable interference with the analysis. One foreign material is present and is speculated to be an alkyl…

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