Author: John Greenewald

Background The background below is from the request for infrared analysis as written by Nancy Talbott. At about 5:20pm (dusk) on January 28, 2003 Zofia Marciniak, a resident of Dabrowka, Poland, was in her yard exercising her dog when she saw a “very bright” 1/2-meter long triangular-shaped object hovering just at treetop level over the field next to her home. The object, which hovered silently about 200m away from the witness, was covered with many multicolored lights (“red, yellow, green and blue and all the same size,”…like a “Christmas tree”) and remained stationary and visible for about 15 minutes. Mrs.Marciniak…

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Background An unusual event happened in Centerville, Ohio at approximately 5:30 a.m. Saturday morning March 6, 2004. Residents saw a UFO apparently interacting with power lines. The extent of the interaction was explosive in nature, and also involved the burning of tree tops. Flame and ‘glitter’ from the trees were purported to continue for several hours after the event. A detailed account of the UFO’s movements and witness’s descriptions can be found on The object of this analysis is to analyze the exposed tree branches for any unusual or foreign materials. Following are photographs of the branches. Conclusions 1.)…

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Background An unusual event occurred in Alaska within the 1949-1951 time period. A couple, naked and covered in dirt or dust, came to the door of Victoria Jahnke’s mother. They asked if they could bathe. Her mom reluctantly agreed to this. Before they left she gave them clothes. When she cleaned out the bathtub her hands went numb. Nothing she did would help. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. She found a very tall man standing there who had a tube of salve in his hand. He tore it in half and gave one half to her, telling…

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Background A possible abduction event occurred on July 19, 2003 in Westland, Michigan. Following is the witness account. “I found myself sleepwalking outside in my backyard when I gained consciousness. I noticed that there were pod like ships landing all over my neighborhood, and I decided to hide after seeing an older man being chased by something. I hid in what I thought was a triangular shaped tent. The old man ran towards my hiding spot and was knocked unconscious somehow. The next thing I know this “tent” (it couldn’t have been a tent because it was hard and had…

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Background This famous case is well documented in many publications and on many internet web sites. The reader is directed to these easily locatable literature references for the details. The reader is especially directed to the classic book on the event, “The Interrupted Journey”1, and “The UFO Encyclopedia”2. A brief scenario follows. On September 19, 1961, Betty and Barney Hill, along with dachshund “Delsey”, were returning home (Portsmouth, New Hampshire) from an extended weekend pleasure trip to Canada. Their itinerary took them to Niagara Falls, then to Montreal, and home. They were traveling south on US Route 3 in central…

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