Author: John Greenewald

Background Following is the background regarding a white fibrous material observed floating from the sky. It is in Ed Gehrman’s words. “I was driving from Quincy CA (hwy 70) in the northern Sierras to my daughter’s home in Ukiah. A few minutes before 3:00 p.m. (11-9-01), I began to notice cobweb-like filaments floating in the air around me. I immediately began to realize that the air was full of this strange material. Some of the strands were as long as twelve feet and seemed quite large while in the air, but when they landed, they seemed to come together and…

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Background On Sunday, October 4, 1981 between 12:30 – 6:00 p.m., globs of white, fibrous material were observed floating from high in the sky. There were copious amounts, and it was floating in giant spirals. It stuck to trees, bushes and telephone wires, i.e. everywhere in town and the surrounding country. This is typical of many other similar events in the past and present and the phenomenon has been designated by many as “angel hair falls”. An intriguing coincidence about this “angel hair” sample is that at 12:30 p.m. a UFO was sighted just prior to the fall. UFOs have…

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Background On the morning of September 21, 2000 Retha Rutherford found white fibrous “spider-web” like material in her yard. It did not look like the usual webs. She took several pictures and her husband sampled the material. Mrs. Rutherford reports, “When trying to collect the samples of the stuff it turned to a clear goo somewhat like the slimy stuff you see when you cut okra.” On the previous night at approximately 7:00 p.m. she heard a loud “droning” sound similar to that from a large airplane. This sound lasted about an hour. Yet the source of the sound was…

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Background On the evening of September 28, 1987 a 27-year-old auto mechanic witnessed a disc-shaped craft hovering above the sands of Shikmona Beach (south of Haifa, Israel). It emitted a bright red flash before disappearing. He returned to the site two days later with an ufologist (Hadassa Arbel). They noted the sand contained a display in the image of the UFO. The display material appears to melt at very low temperature, ca. 50°C (120°F). The object is to identify this material in order to determine its source. Conclusions The analysis shows the UFO site sample is composed of the following…

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Background The above crop formation appeared in a farmer’s wheat field in Teton, Idaho on August 10, 2002. A yellow material was found on the hand of the farmer’s son after reaching into the formation on August 15, 2002. The arrow on the photograph designates the location of the material. The goal is to identify this substance. Conclusions The substance is a man-made terpolymer composed of styrene, acrylonitrile, and butadiene monomeric units. It is commonly referred to as an “ABS” polymer. According to the chemical dictionary1 ABS resin is “Any of a group of tough, rigid thermoplastics deriving their name from…

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