Author: John Greenewald

Background Three stored “angel hair” samples were found November 1998 in the carport attic of John Timmerman, Lakeview, Ohio. They were preserved there for a number of years after closure of the CUFOS Chicago Office. All three samples seem to be from the same event, though documentation does not indicate any details of the event. One sample is clearly identified as originating from the late Paul Cerney and has a handwritten note from him. This handwriting matches that from two other samples. And the information indicates all three samples were obtained at the same time (October 19–20, 1977) and location…

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Background A Red Angus cow was found mutilated in Conrad, Montana. There were no obvious tracks from vehicles, people, or predators around the animal. The mutilations consisted of very clean excisions of the left eye and eyelid, rectum, genitalia, and tongue. When the hide was cut away from the neck by law enforcement officers and the rancher, they found an area that was dark green. They did this to determine whether the animal had been injected. Tissue samples were taken underneath the left jaw-bone from area of green colored tissue. Additionally, samples of vitreous fluid and a maggot mass were…

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Background In 1992 an unknown object was found implanted in the body of a man who has had a history of unusual and bizarre experiences involving strange entities. It should be noted that a few years previously this individual had surgery. The object is to identify the object. Conclusions 1.) The object is totally composed of polystyrene. Very trace amounts of elements such as zinc, aluminum, silicon, gold and copper are suggested. 2.) Polystyrene is a common, man-made polymer with numerous uses. It is speculated that it may be a part which broke off a surgical instrument. The rough appearance…

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Background The famous Delphos, Kansas CE2 encounter occurred at approximately 7:00 in the evening on November 2, 1971. 16 year-old Ron Johnson was tending sheep when he saw a mushroom-shaped object approximately nine feet in diameter with multicolored lights covering its surface. The object, about 25 yards away, was hovering about two feet off the ground. The UFO sounded like “an old washing machine which vibrates.” When it took off it temporarily blinded Ronald with a bright light from its base. Ron went to get his family, and when they returned the entire family saw the object in the sky.…

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Background The sample is from a young lady who has had a history of unusual and  bizarre experiences involving strange entities. One strange event occurred overnight, August 31 – September 1, 2000, which resulted in a possible physical trace sample. The object is to identify the sample. Following is an excerpt from a letter accompanying the sample explaining the background behind the sample. “With no school on Friday, September, (she) was allowed to be outside the home Thursday night until her normal weekend curfew of 12:30 AM. (The parents) … retired shortly before 11 pm and had to  (their) knowledge, an…

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