Author: John Greenewald

Background Unusual appearing materials dubbed “pseudo crystals” have been found in house hold dust of individuals claiming alien abductions. They are usually in micron sizes and therefore difficult to identify. A recently found material has a similar appearance under the microscope as previously encountered “pseudo crystals”. However, this time the “crystals” are in a larger cluster, and the amount is suitable for infrared analysis. It is the object of this analysis to identify this sample by infrared analysis. Conclusions The sample is identified as poly(ethylene terephthalate) i.e. PET. It has the following structure: -[-CH2CH2]x – [O(C=O)-Ø-(C=O)O]z- This material is a common…

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Background A mutilated six year old Charolais bull was discovered 10-16-2000 near Derwent Alberta (south of St. Paul). He was facing east and lay on his right side. Excisions included the following: left ear; tongue; rectum, oval shape incision on the stomach (flesh untouched); scrotum with penis out between his hind legs; two teats. Several small willow branches had what appears as blood on them. The blood-like residue on the branches was submitted for identification. Of specific interest is whether the residue is pure hemoglobin, which has been identified in two other mutilation events. Conclusions A mutilated six year old…

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Background The background on this mutilation event can be found in a letter dated October 6, 2000 by Louise Ashby who investigated the case. This is included in the appendix along with a site drawing. The object of this analysis is to identify dark substances observed on bovine feces found under a mutilated cow and nearby grass. Of particular interest is whether the dark substance is pure bovine hemoglobin, which has been found in two other animal mutilation events. Conclusions The residues found on the feces and grass are definitely blood derived. However, it does not appear to be whole…

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Background An unusual fire occurred on March 9, 2000 in Pulaski County, Arkansas. The fire was unusual in that the burn area was ca. “a mile-long, 150 yard-wide area of intermittent fires; in some burning areas the fire was reported to be excessively hot and burning with a sparkly effect.1” There were reports from various witnesses of such things as explosions and aerial light phenomena. A number of people who were on-site were interviewed and seemed to feel the fires were “bizarre”. 20 samples of ash and soil, which included controls, were examined to determine the cause of the fire.…

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Background Analyze red-brown particles retrieved from the hide near the anal excision of a mutilated cow. It was purported that the event happened “overnight”, i.e. the cow was found in a grove of trees within 24 hours of the event1. Other information indicated there was some rain before the animal was found. The carcass apparently fell through trees because limbs were down and a 6” tree broken. The body contained no blood, an udder was removed, and there was a “hole” in the belly. Scuffed up areas on the hide indicated that the cow was possibly strapped. Conclusions The residue…

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