Author: John Greenewald

Background On November 27, 1998 between 7:00 – 7:30 p.m. a driver “Shirley” was driving east on 25 Mile road (six miles north of Mt. Clemens, Michigan). It was just getting dark and she noticed a highly intense, white, basketball sized light/object rapidly coming toward her. There was no sound, and it hit the car with a slight thump or bang. It is unknown what happened to the object after the impact. A cream/gray colored residue was observed where the impact occurred. The object is to identify the residue. It is a 1992 Ford Escort station wagon with a 1.9…

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Background Identify two samples of red-brown particles retrieved from the testicles and chest area of an excised bull. The bull was found on the Barton Ranch on 1-17-97, around 24 hours after the excision happened. A compass was reported to give a 20° deviation when held over the excisions. Conclusions Both residues are identified as bovine hemoglobin, a component of blood. It’s presence suggests a processing of the whole blood has occurred at the excision site. Additionally, the chest area sample has a very small amount of possibly a long chain glyceryl ester. The usual procedure for isolating hemoglobin from…

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Background On 23 September 2016, the National Police Air Service (NPAS), United Kingdom, posted the following to Twitter: Any suggestion?? Nothing seen by local ATC… 👽?? — NPAS St Athan (@NPAS_StAthan) September 23, 2016 The British Earth and Aerial Mysteries Society posted the following description and background for the video: This rare footage was captured from a National Police Air Service helicopter’s FLIR camera by the pilot; however, the clip that you see here may have been copied from a screen rather than being the original recording, which obviously, the Police would be reluctant to release to the public.…

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Background A large (10 – 12’ diameter) very bright, rotating ball of light was observed at about 10 p.m. on August 2, 1997 by Robbert (age 16) and sister Madelon (age 10). It was immediately outside the balcony windows off a bedroom of their home in Hoeven, The Netherlands. They observed the light from this bedroom. A white powder was found lying on the floor outside the balcony doors and adhering to the glass door after the ball of light was seen. Following are photographs of the material as found. Conclusions The white material is identified as basic magnesium carbonate…

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Background White, somewhat tacky, gelatinous-appearing “bread-like” materials were found underneath flattened crop (wheat) in the centers of 6 of the 7 circles in a crop formation. The formation, found August 2, 1997 by Robert Boerman, was adjacent to a well-known “healing center” known as the “Michael Farmhouse” in Brummen, The Netherlands. Following are photographs of the crop formation and one of the gel materials as found. Above is the crop formation where the gel was found. “Michael Farmhouse” buildings are also visible. Prehistoric burial mounds, destroyed when nearby roads were built, existed in the area until the 1920s. Conclusions Two…

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