Author: John Greenewald

The following was published by The Daily Mail. It is archived here for reference: Mysterious footage showing a black UFO hovering over a Scottish harbour for fifteen minutes leaves residents baffled A man is baffled after capturing some truly bizarre footage showing a mysterious black object hovering over a harbour. Jamie Cooper, from Ayr, Scotland, said his 13-year-old son James spotted the unidentified entity in the sky for around 15 minutes at 5.30pm on Sunday. The teenager filmed the UFO, which slightly resembles a chinook helicopter, clearly hovering in the distance over Ayr Harbour. Throughout the 28-second clip the black…

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The following was submitted to UFOs NorthWest – and is used here with permission. Summary A man recounted a strange episode that occurred in Mar of 2016 at his apartment in Syracuse, NY. He was in bed around 2 to 3 AM. He saw a green glow emanating from his hallway and then saw a creature emerge from a closet in his bedroom. He first thought that the creature was a cat, but realized that it had big eyes and a bald head. The creature made no sound other than it’s movements (rooting around the closet). The next thing that…

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From Researcher Stan Gordon – Date of incident: April 17, 2016 Location: West Newton, Pennsylvania, Westmoreland County Synopsis Recently I learned of another Bigfoot encounter when I was giving a presentation on UFOs and Cryptid reports.  A woman and her daughter approached me and told me about an experience that the mother had on April 17, 2016. The witness, who was quite upset after the incident, called her daughter soon after it occurred. She gave her daughter a lot of details on the phone and her daughter proceeded to write them down. Her daughter had brought along her note pad and…

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Background The following case was submitted to UFOs NorthWest, and it is used here with permission. It can not be reused or redistributed without prior permission. Location of Sighting: Dauphin, Manitoba, Canada Date of Sighting: May 18, 2016 (Photo Taken on This Date) Time of Sighting: 7:21 AM CDT (Time Photo Taken) Witness Testimony: Hi: This is my second time waking up with these marks. The last time was about 12 to 14 years ago. I went to the doctor both times and had no idea both times. I do have interesting events that happen when I was younger and…

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The following was submitted to UFOs NorthWest, and is used here with permission. It can not be reused or copied without the owners permission. Location of Sighting: About 7 Miles North of Mt. Rainier in Washington State Date of Sighting: June 1, 2016 Time of Sighting: 2:34 AM PDT Reviewing a photos from a night time lapse (within 24 hours of above observation) about 7 miles north of Rainier, looking south), something appears on one photo and am not sure what it is/was. I guess this will send faster than I thought since my image-browser program (Photo Mechanic) automatically converted…

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