Author: John Greenewald

Case File Status: Likely Hoax? See Below. Information Case Only; No Formal Investigation by The Black Vault Background This case comes from the social media network Reddit. Numerous photographs of a black triangle splashing in the water were posted, then apparently quickly deleted. Savvy users of the thread /u/ufos did download and save them to later repost them for analysis later on. The Black Vault has archived them below. There have been many within hours of these being posted, who have submitted legitimate observations that point to these being a hoax. That analysis, with credit to all those who did…

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Information Case Only; No Formal Investigation by The Black Vault Background In August 1993, 27-year-old Kelly Cahill, her husband and three children were driving home after a visit to a friend’s house. After midnight the Cahills first noticed the lights of a rounded craft with windows around it. It silently hovered above the road. Different colored lights were clearly visible on the bottom of the object. The following article was posted here, but has long disappeared. The article is reproduced here for archival and research purposes. AN EXTRAORDINARY ENCOUNTER IN THE DANDENONG FOOTHILLS by Bill Chalker, International UFO Reporter, Sept/Oct…

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Information Case Only; No Formal Investigation by The Black Vault Background A Boeing 757 piloted by Captain Eugene Tollefson and First Officer John J. Waller, was passing near Bovina, Texas. Captain Tollefson left his seat to look [at a line of regularly flashing lights]. As the lightning flashed behind the lights, it silhouetted something that to the observers appeared to be a large, dark, cigar shaped object between 300 and 500 feet in length. The following article is saved here for archival purposes. It was originally published here, but has long disappeared. By Roy Lawhon “Cactus 564” was a routine…

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Information Case Only; No Formal Investigation by The Black Vault The following case is used with permission from UFO Casebook. by BJ Booth There have been numerous legends about UFO crashes; some of them have quite a bit of documentation and eyewitness testimony. Others are based mostly on legend and folklore. Two of these crashes alleged occurred in or near Spitsbergen, Norway. However, there is just not enough verifiable evidence to support either of these events, and here are the reasons: 1946 Spitsbergen UFO Crash The 1946 case, more than anything else, is memorable for its characters. The legend goes…

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