Author: John Greenewald

The following was something I wrote back in 1997. Let me be quite clear – the story below as outlined by the anonymous letter to me is well beyond my realm of beliefs, and wanted to not even investigate it due to the nature of the claim. However, in the process of looking into the project name that was given to me, I received an intriguing response from the United States Air Force that will forever be a mystery (unless ‘disclosure’ in 2025 proves me wrong) – but I feel it’s worth a mention. Could this be a mistake by…

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Biography Major General William C. Garland is commander of the 1st Strategic Aerospace Division at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif. General Garland was born in 1916, in Barnesville, Ga., where he attended high school and junior college at Gordon Military College. During this period he served over four years with the Georgia National Guard. He graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y., in May 1942, and immediately entered pilot training at the Greenville Aviation School, Ocala, Fla. He completed pilot training and received his pilot wings at Turner Field, Ga., in March 1943, and completed B-17 transition…

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Background Philip James Corso (May 22, 1915 – July 16, 1998) was an American Army officer. He served in the United States Army from February 23, 1942, to March 1, 1963, and earned the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Corso published The Day After Roswell, about how he was involved in the research of extraterrestrial technology recovered from the 1947 Roswell UFO Incident. On July 23, 1997, he was a guest on the popular late night radio show, Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell where he spoke live about his Roswell story. This interview was rebroadcast by Coast to Coast AM…

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Source: EJU! and Red UNO (Santa Cruz, Argentina) Date: 05/20/2016 Argentina: Locals Allegedly Witness UFO and Alien in El Dorado In the city of Santa Cruz, residents of the El Dorado District, El Bastión sector, claim having seen a UFO, alleging that an extraterrestrial creature. They believe the entity descended from its “craft” and that it made an effort to get back on board when detected by locals. The event took place at 10:00 in the evening. Local residents went as far as to note that the entity climbed through the trees. Students manage to photograph a gleaming light over…

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Possible Hoax? See  Below. The following case is used with permission by UFOs NorthWest. It can not be reproduced in any way, without permission. This is an example of a case that has physical trace evidence, and the investigation is ongoing. If it is a hoax, it is one of those that you have to ask yourself, “Why?”  With no notoriety since they requested anonymity, there is no money since they never asked for payment and the work to create the hole etc., seems like a whole lot of work, for nothing. It is archived here for reference. Have an idea…

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