Author: John Greenewald

Verified Hoax Thomas Costello was allegedly a security officer that worked at the infamous “Dulce Base” in northern New Mexico. The Dulce Base is allegedly a secret alien underground facility under Archuleta Mesa on the Colorado-New Mexico border near the town of Dulce, New Mexico. Multiple online sources and viral posts, have circulated this photograph as having been leaked by Costello, then shortly after it was leaking, he and his family went missing.  There is no evidence that I have found, that shows that Thomas Costello even exists. Further damning evidence is that this photo which has circulated hundreds of thousands of times…

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The following two encounters were excerpted from: Aviation Safety in America – A Previously Neglected Factor by Richard F. Haines, Chief Scientist. They are excerpted here for reference. National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena – NARCAP – October 15, 2000   January, 1967 Night UP SW New Mexico  Jimmie Moran, a passenger on a Lear Jet 23 en route to Las Vegas, NV from Houston, Hobby Airport, Texas was the first to sight the bright red light associated with a sharply defined object ahead of them at their 10 o’clock position in the dark sky. He was seated on the left-hand…

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Background The follow article was published by the Daily Caller. It is archived here for reference and research purposes. It is copyrighted by their respective owners. The Article Hillary On Area 51 Secrets: ‘I Think We Ought To Share It With The Public’ Hillary Clinton says barring any national security risk, she would like to open up the government files on Area 51 to the public if she is elected president. “I would like us to go into those files and hopefully make as much of that public as possible,” she told Jimmy Kimmel Thursday night on his late night ABC…

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The following was published by “Bleacher Report” and is reprinted here for reference and research. Aaron Rodgers Has an Incredibly Detailed Story About the Time He Saw a UFO Copyright © 2015 Bleacher Report, Inc. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. All Rights Reserved. By Kyle Newport, Featured Columnist – Mar 23, 2016 Green Bay Packers star Aaron Rodgers has undoubtedly been through plenty of wild experiences as an NFL quarterback, but he will never forget about an unusual moment he and his buddies experienced just before he entered the league.  While some people may not take much stock in UFO (unidentified…

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The following case is from UFOs NorthWest, and is used with permission. Location of Sighting: Near Nephi, Utah Date of Sighting: January 14, 2016 Time of Sighting: Between 12:12 and 12:13 AM MST Description: This case was reported to me by Erica Lukes who is the director of MUFON for the state of Utah. She knows a radio show host who was scanning communications between aircraft and the FAA shortly after midnight on January 14, 2016. He heard a conversation between an airline pilot and Air Route Traffic Control. The pilot reported seeing an extremely long bright object that he…

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