Author: John Greenewald

Copyright 2016 Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc. All rights reserved. This article is archived here under fair use, distributed freely, and used for research. Any complaints should be directed to [email protected] and the article will be removed immediately. I-Team: Clinton aide seeks UFO files By George Knapp , Matt Adams | [email protected] Several U.S. presidents are on the record, talking about the UFO mystery. Former Presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan say they had UFO sightings of their own, but the current presidential campaign might be the first in which UFO disclosure has been championed by a major party candidate. During a recent campaign…

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The following case was submitted directly to The Black Vault, and is used with permission. It was submitted by the witness’ wife. Background Ben was busking on the Victoria Bridge when he noticed a strange object hovering silently just above (less than 100 feet) the Cultural Centre. He describes it as looking like a cross between an insect and the moon lander and the size of a helicopter. It moved out silently towards the river before flying higher, moving behind a building. When it reappeared it seemed to have changed shape – resembling a long, thin construction crane shape. It…

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Background In March of 2016, a “viral” story resurfaced about a UFO in a NASA photograph, that was mysteriously ‘deleted’ from NASA’s website.  After investigation, the original link that showed the photograph in question was broken, it is likely due to the fact that the database simply was moved. The new source, once located, verifies the photograph is still available for download.  So, the story about it being “deleted” is largely untrue. However, what IS true, is the fact that the photograph does show an unidentified “formation” of UFOs, whatever they may be. This page was created to help make…

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The following case was submitted to The Black Vault, and is used here with permission. It can not be republished without permission from the witness. Location far North Western Fairfield Co. Ohio near intersection of Rt. I-70 and SRt. 256. Observation would have been of something in far Eastern Franklin Co. Could not be more specific. I was using a Bushnell 10X50 self focusing binocular. I often watch planes arriving from the West heading for my location, where they make a big turn to head to Port Columbus for landing. Weather calm, sky cloudless blue-gray. Sat down with above binocular…

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The follow was submitted by researcher Stan Gordon, and is used here, with permission. Discuss this article on The Black Vault Message Forums by Stan Gordon Did you see anything strange in the sky last year?  Were you out in the woods and encountered a mysterious animal unlike anything that you had ever seen before? Did you experience an incident that you couldn’t find an explanation for?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, you were not alone. Many Residents from across the state of Pennsylvania reported numerous observations of strange lights and objects in the sky throughout…

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