Author: John Greenewald

Location of Sighting: Everett, Washington Date of Sighting: October 15, 2015 Time of Sighting: 10:30 PM PDT Description: I came home from work and was walking toward my apartment after parking my car. I saw two lights in the sky moving from the east. I took some pictures and then the lights disappeared. Update – February 3, 2016 – Response From Witness Regarding Submission of Additional Photos: So sorry for the late response. I have been very sick with the flu and was recently hospitalized for it. So I looked on your site and you put the green kind of…

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HOAX Background The following is a case that “went viral” across the internet in the beginning week of February of 2016. Although many British tabloid style papers ran the story first, which does not help the credibility, that shouldn’t take away from the fact there was a video and multiple photos that can be offered up. Of course possibly a hoax, it is offered here for feedback. Once proof comes in of a hoax, it will be labeled as such. The evidence is archived here for reference and research purposes. The following was published by The Express: By GERARD COUZENS…

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Explained? See Below for Possible Explanation This case began circulating on February 1, 2016. The following was published by the U.K.’s The Daily Mail, which is copyright protected by their respective owners. It is reproduced here under fair use, and for archival/research purposes. By SARA MALM FOR MAILONLINE An ‘alien fish’ caught on a small Caribbean island has left experts baffled, as they struggle to determine its species. The creature reportedly has ‘feet’ which allows it to walk across the seabed, a ‘ perfect human nose’, and scales like a fish.  The sea creature was caught in the port of…

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The following is part of the Henry McKay Archives. It is used here on The Black Vault, with permission: The following is a transcript from an audio cassette recording of Henry McKay, around the 13 minute mark. This would have been at either one of his lectures or his course. The cassette is simply labelled as “UFO Talk H.H.M”. Date unknown. From the files of the Henry McKay UFO Archives. NOTE: A few words are indiscernible, which have been marked with “????”.: “In 1914, in a little community north of Lindsay, Ontario there was a munitions factory that was subjected to an…

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The following is part of the Henry McKay Archives. It is used here on The Black Vault, with permission: LOCATION: Papua, New Guinea DATE OF OBSERVATION: June 26, 1959 The following is a transcript from an audio cassette recording of Henry McKay, at the 24 minute 51 second mark. This would have been at either one of his lectures or his course. The cassette is simply labelled as “UFO Talk H.H.M”. Date unknown. From the files of the Henry McKay UFO Archives: “Quite a few number of years ago there was an incident reported in New Guinea, where a Reverend Gill…

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