Author: John Greenewald

Background Note from The Black Vault: Unfortunately, I do not know the author of the following post, who put this on the popular site, or I would offer proper credit. That said, this photo appeared with the following caption, but nothing else is known. If anyone has additional information on this, please feel free to post it in the comments section below, and I will properly update the case file.  My question – is there video? “This picture was taken of a nurse’s viewing monitor. On the monitor, this black figure appeared standing on top of the patient who…

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The following case file was submitted to The Black Vault, and is used with permission. There are just minor edits for spelling and grammar. This UFO Sighting was documented on December 6th, 2015, at 5pm just when we were packing up to go home. Just like they like to do we saw one of the numerous anomalies we we encounter throughout our meetups show up when we were least expecting it. We were about to put our cameras away when Efren (Eagle Eyes) spots this bright object sitting high in the sky brighter than anything else we witnessed that day.…

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The following video was submitted to The Black Vault, and is used with permission. The following is the description given: The video presents evidence of UFO’s demonstrating intelligent control and advanced ariel maneuvers beyond our known aircraft. Part 1 reviews Robert Bingham’s Public UFO Contact Event on June 21, 2015 at MacArthur Park in Los Angeles CA. The intro explores the phenomenon of UFO Summoning and using group energy and intention to produce UFO sightings. First capture at 1:49 shows a large orb hovering over the crowd of witnesses. The ufo performed various advanced maneuvers, including start-stops, hovering, and various…

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The following was reported by UFOs NorthWest. It is republished here with permission: Date of Sighting: June 20, 1987 Time of Sighting: 12:15 PM Local Time Date Reported: April 3, 2006 Duration of Sighting: Unknown Location of Sighting: Cedar Point, Ontario, Canada (Southern Ontario) Latitude:  44.8 Degrees North Longitude: 80.18  Degrees West Number of Witnesses: One Weather: Clear Skies. Description (In Witness’s Own Words):  The sighting occurred near Cedar Point, Ontario, Canada. I was flying my Citabria airplane at 3500 ft. ASL. The dull silver saucer shaped UFO was first sited over Christian Island as I was banking my aircraft to…

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The following report is from UFOs NorthWest, and is used on The Black Vault with permission. Location of Sighting: Alto, New Mexico Date of Sighting: June 10, 2015 Time of Sighting: 11:40 PM MDT Description: The witness called the morning after his sighting. He was outside and heard a loud sound. He saw jets coming from the west. The jets were pursuing erratic flying lights. More lights appeared and the witness estimated the number at 15 to 30. More jets joined the pursuit. The activity continued for 30 to 40 minutes. The activity was eventually lost in the Northeastern sky.…

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