Author: John Greenewald

Case File Status: Likely Hoax (See Video, and Additional Information Below) Background On June 13, 2021, a photo (which led to more) was posted on the social media network called Reddit, and the /r/UFOs ‘subreddit.’ The Black Vault reached out to the ‘witness’ who posted it, and began a deep dive into the origin of where they came from, and attempted to piece together the full story. What resulted was a bit of a rabbit hole. This now smells like a hoax after some deep digging. There were obvious signs up front, but my approach has always been to exhaust…

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The following case is from Noiegliextraterrestri, an Italian website which archives UFO encounters. The original article was in Italian, however below, you will find the English translation. All credit is to Noiegliextraterrestri for the below article. It is archived here, in English, for archival and research purposes. HISTORICAL UFOs – THE CASE OF MARESCIALLO CECCONI Today we present a historical case of the Italian UFO case that happened from a military flight in 1979. A case that still today makes the public debate and divides but we look beyond and trust the testimony of Cecconi. Here’s the story. On June 18, 1979, the then…

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The following was written by Stan Gordon, and is reprinted here WITH PERMISSION. it may not be reproduced in any way without the express permission of the author. The Government Needs To Be More Forthcoming About The Ongoing UFO Mystery: UFO Sightings Reported Yearly in Pennsylvania by Stan Gordon by Stan Gordon, UFO Anomalies Zone While the media is currently giving more than usual attention to the UFO Phenomena, it is not showing the extent of the sightings reported throughout the world. The crux of the matter is that numerous credible detailed UFO sightings have been reported for years by not…

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The following is an article written by Dr. Bruce Maccabee. It is published here, with permission, and is posted here for archival reasons. The Black Vault does not endorse the below, but rather, offers it here for discussion. The below is written by Dr. Bruce Maccabee: NAVY PHYSICIST (RET), DR. BRUCE MACCABEE  PREDICTS THAT THE U.S. NAVY’S SPECIAL UNIDENTIFIED AERIAL PHENOMENA (UAP) TASK FORCE (UAPTF) WILL CONFIRM WHAT CIVILIAN INVESTIGATORS HAVE LONG SUSPECTED: SOME UAP ARE VEHICLES CONTROLLED BY NON-HUMAN INTELLIGENCES (NHI) FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: [email protected] (email)  (web site) The origin(s) of these NHI is (are) unknown but…

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Case File Status: Information Case Only; No Formal Investigation by The Black Vault This case was sent to The Black Vault for ideas on what may have happened. Along with the case, a ton of scientific data was sent over, as tested by various labs and scientists. It was decided, that the best course of action may be to post everything online, and collect a “community feedback” session to gather ideas. Everything related to the event, and analyses, are below. To submit your thoughts, feel free to CONTACT The Black Vault. This case file begins with the final report by…

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