Author: John Greenewald

The following was submitted directly to The Black Vault. All photos are copyrighted to the photographer, and can NOT be used without permission: I used a Leupold Mil.Spec. 60×40 sniper scope adapted using my iphone. I my dad and a couple of friends noticed various blinking lights “dancing” around the moon at the start of the eclipse at about 7:50pm mountain time. As I was aiming with the tripod I caught a glimpse of something bright and quickly (which was odd because of the parallax) I snapped a picture so I could look at it later. My friend noticed a…

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The following was submitted to The Black Vault directly. The video and photographs are property of the witness. This Sat. 10/3 our Tucson UFO group all witnessed this UFO at 11 PM over the Catalina Mtns.  but well up in the sky.  We had 7 witnesses.  Gene Coleman had purchased a Luna Optics camera and he was at the ready to video this but my camera was put away at this time.   The YouTube video posted by the eyewitness holds the following description: This moving object was seen over the Sabino Canyon area N.W. of Tucson AZ. It was…

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The following was submitted directly to The Black Vault. It is used here with permission. Please contact the owner of the video for additional rights. Captured just before 3.00pm on the 30/05/2015  over South Yorkshire, England in the UK, a small plane was flying by which we did not film and as it flew past, we saw a stationary bright point of light high in the sky.  As it was stationary, we knew that it was a UFO, so we got our Panasonic HCV-550  video camera and after a few attempts at focusing, managed to capture this amazing ring doughnut…

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Background The following was submitted to The Black Vault, and is used WITH PERMISSION. Special thanks to the witness, who wanted to remain anonymous, for their submission. Witness Testimony My Name is __________, but I would prefer my name is not released. My work at the time was classified and I don’t want to get other people into trouble.   The Date was Thursday 03/08/2006 – The time would be about 13:30. (It’s taken me this long to get up the courage to make this report).   The Weather was very good that day and there was very little or…

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The following was submitted to The Black Vault. It is used here with permission: My name is Jennifer Andrews and I thought you might be interested in some photos I took of an object, last March 4th, that I spotted going over our house.  To give you a little background on these photos, this is what happened:   My husband and I were sitting out on our patio in Mesa, which faces West towards Phoenix (and it may be important for you to know that our house is in the McKellips Rd/Mesa Dr area AND is below a regular flight pattern for planes coming into…

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