Author: John Greenewald

The following was published on 9/5/2015, on the YouTube channel: UndergroundSecretPlanet. It was published with the following caption: Date of sighting: August 29, 2015 Location of sighting: Chichester, Pennsylvania, USA Eyewitness states: I did not witness this, a friend did. She said people were pulling over on the highway to watch them. Route 322 in Chichester PA. Orange orbs. Possible Explanations Although I am not a fan of the theory as I think it is largely overused by skeptics; chinese lanterns should be considered. While watching the video, it appears that all the lights are coming from a central location (from…

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The following was published on the YouTube channel UndergroundSecretPlanet. It was posted on 9/6/2015, with the following caption: Date of sighting: August 27, 2015 Location of sighting: Scottsdale, Arizona, USA Eyewitness states: Looking out living room sliding glass window from my family’s house at the above event location and saw three pulsating lights in a equilateral triangular formation hovering over one of our neighbor’s homes. One of the lights began to move towards the west at a fast rate of speed while the other two remained stationary for an additional 1 to 2 minutes minutes. Then the second light began to…

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On 9/6/2015, this video was posted on YouTube. It allegedly shows a UFO sighting over Los Angeles, California. The video, posted on the channel for Chris Montague, has the following caption: From the Griffith Observatory we saw what looked like a meteor or an airplane on fire coming towards the earth’s surface. The fire ball suddenly stopped in mid air, moved around slowly, then the light burned out. 8 seconds later it reappeared seemingly hundreds of feet above where it burned out. Then a few seconds later, a second light appeared and the two joined together in mid-sky before burning out.…

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This case surfaced a few weeks ago, and recently (as of the first week of September) has become viral. The video shows multiple photographs on a “humanoid” type object seen from various locations over Los Angeles, California. This video was submitted to The Black Vault, with the following letter: Best evidence we have seen and captured yet of the humanoid shaped anamolies that we have been seeing as it was captured on 3 cameras with dozens of eyewitnises to attest to seeing this object while at the free Public event. The video itself was published online via YouTube, with the…

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The following was submitted to The Black Vault – it is used here with permission: I believe I read something on the site one time about collecting sighting reports. Well I had one recently and it was a dandy, so I’m going to pass it along to you. I reported this (left a message on their answering machine) to some local observatory that was supposed to be interested in reports of such things but they never got back to me. 5 days ago on the morning of May 20 2015 I saw a HUGE unidentified object up in the morning…

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