Author: John Greenewald

The following was submitted to The Black Vault, and is republished here with permission: The video covers 18+ UFO captures filmed in infrared during the day and night from my balcony in Newport Beach, CA. Many ufos are invisible to our eyes and reside outside of the visible spectrum in the infrared and ultra violet ranges of light.  Utilizing full spectrum cameras and night vision monoculars were able to get a glimpse into this hidden world that’s all around us. Part 1 covers my transition from Generation 3 Night Vision into Full Spectrum daylight recording. Working with Spencer’s Camera we…

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The following was submitted to The Black Vault. It is used here, with permission. I’ve attached a photo of a UFO I photographed in Hot Springs, MT in November of 2014.  I was taking a picture of a rainbow during a light rainstorm but didn’t notice the object in the photo until later. It is located in the lower left of the photo. The object can be magnified, which I did through Google+, and I was surprised to see the UFO. It is very curious. There’s a strange blue glow under it and the air around it seems odd. It…

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The following was published by the Houston Chronicle. It is archived here for reference and research: Twitter is humming about a YouTube video and some photos that may or may not show UFOs over Houston. The images were shot Aug. 11 during a rain storm with dramatic thunder and lightning, and they have been reposted and cited many times. The video was shot from a moving car, and the photos may be screenshots from the video. On Friday, Twitter posts with some version of the phrase, “Mass UFO Sighting Over Houston Texas Lights Up Social Media” were still common. They…

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The following is part of the Henry McKay Archives. It is used here on The Black Vault, with permission: The following is from an audio cassette recording of Henry McKay at around the 26 minute 28 second mark. This would have been at either one of his lectures or his course. The cassette is simply labelled as “UFO Talk H.H.M”. Date unknown. “A number of years ago, a nurse in an intensive care ward at the District Hospital in Cowichan on Vancouver Island observed an intense light shining in, out in the hall from a patient’s room. Now, the patient at that…

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The following was submitted to MUFON, and is archived here for reference and research: An event held on May 25 at the Santa Margarita featured a B-25 Mitchell bomber, which offered rides to the public from the private strip on the ranch. While working in my front yard I saw the B-25 flying just above the oak trees heading north before making a turn towards the south and proceeding on to the runway for landing. As the plane passed me I took my Samsung Galaxy phone and began taking a few pictures. As I did I saw something streak past…

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