Author: John Greenewald

The following was submitted to MUFON. It is archived here in the ghost category (as it is quite similar to other paranormal/ghost encounters) for reference and research: I was shutting down my computer when the motion detection alarm sounded on my computer. I checked the camera video but there was nothing on it. Checked the still photos and that was when I found the images. At first I thought it was a firefly or something of that matter, but realized that fireflies don’t leave trails like in the photo. I didn’t pay much attention until it showed up the second…

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This report was originally filed with MUFON. It is archived here for reference. In the early morning went out on a balcony to breathe crisp air, something pushed on an idea to take picture sky. Did 2 pictures with a difference in 5-6 sec, then noticed a quickly retiring object which had time to get on these 2 pictures. Noise and high light was not observed. Round an object there is discharged of air, like plasma. Photo Gallery

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Location of Sighting: Decoy Park – Newton Abbot Devon, UK Date of Sighting: August 4, 2015 Time of Sighting: 1:43 PM GMT Description: Bill, take a look at this incredible photo. This is no ghost. This is a Pleiadian being dematerialized from a portal. The uniform is a dead giveaway. The photo was taken 4 ‎August ‎2015, 1:43 PM GMT at Decoy Park Newton Abbot Devon UK. Response of Witness to Investigator Questions: Hi Bill: I was walking around Decoy Park and I felt something touch the back of my head so I quickly turned around. To my surprise there…

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Location of Sighting: Chanhassen, Minnesota Date of Sighting: August 9, 2015 Time of Sighting: 10:30 PM CDT Description: We saw lights of perfect circular shape. They were very bright lights above the thick clouds. They remained stationary for a few minutes (about 10 minutes) and then disappeared. My whole family saw this phenomenon. We live in a very quiet area. There were no lights beamed from below. It wasn’t moving in the air like a kite with lights. UFOs NorthWest Note: Some will say that these lights are a reflection from the ground. I say no (as did the witnesses).…

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The following was submitted to my friends over at UFOs NorthWest. It is republished here, with permission: Description: Mr. Puckett, You may remember me and my friend Ryan from a report and interview with you several years ago regarding an incident outside of North Bend, WA. I am writing to inform you of another incident that occurred this past weekend. A very different encounter, but still very strange. My wife and I were traveling to Banks Lake in Eastern, WA to spend the weekend with her brother and his wife. We left Bothell, WA Friday, 8/7/15 around 7:45 PM with…

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