Author: John Greenewald

The following was submitted directly to The Black Vault, and is used with permission. All copyrights owned by their respective owners. Witness Report: This video covers the case study and analysis of the flying “Humanoid UFO” recorded over my apt in Newport Beach California. We applied digital filters and motion tracking to the recording to maximize the ufo features and examine it’s humanoid like qualities. The object was flying vertically and fast when recorded. I could see it clearly in the viewfinder. The camera was sitting still on a tripod. The ufo appeared to be a flying humanoid type object.…

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Official NASA Caption This image was taken by Mastcam: Right (MAST_RIGHT) onboard NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 710 (2014-08-05 13:25:07 UTC). What are we looking at? In this photo from the surface of Mars, there is a mysterious and unknown looking creature or plant life on the wall of a rocky outcrop. Or maybe just an illusion and a trick of our eyes. What exactly is it? Although many photos on Mars are said to have “objects” like a squirrel, Nazi helmet, or Sasquatch, many are explained away by pareidolia, the psychological phenomena of seeing something that isn’t, like…

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KNOWN HOAX Social networks have been blowing up with the news story of a “fallen angel” over the skies of London.  Pictures also come along with the story, and are fairly disturbing to look at. More and more headlines are circulating that this is a “legitimate” story.  A very quick search, proves this is simply a hoax, and should not be forwarded around.  The photos are of an art exhibit.  Recently, the Daily Mail wrote about the artist in this July 24, 2015, story: Artists known for using DEAD BABIES and human fat in their creations have unveiled shockingly realistic…

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The following was submitted to The Black Vault, and is used with permission. Oak Lawn, IL   looking west, around 91st & Ridgeland Ave.   My son, 12 and another boy, 9,  were outside of a family party. They saw (4) objects moving around in the stormy sky.  He ran inside, and grabbed his phone.  He said (3) took off with flight patterns never seen before.  The way he described the objects, I thought they were searchlights from a “Grand Opening” or an event of some kind. However, at around 12-14 seconds, lighting illuminates the sky with the illuminated object obscured by the clouds, not light shining on…

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The following UFO sighting was submitted directly to The Black Vault by Trevor. It is used here with permission: Hello, On 03.12.2015 my girlfriend and I were at the park flying my RC airplane, as I was flying I noticed a large glimmer of light off to my right in the sky, as I turned to look I got a feeling I can’t explain, what I witnessed was a massive craft that looked like the ship from the movie independence day, the craft had a cloud like substance around the bottom of it making it look just like a normal cloud from underneath…

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