Author: John Greenewald

Note from The Black Vault: Many of the photos here are of what appear to be very blurry objects, while EVERYTHING else is in focus. Now, why is that? The camera can see everything just fine, including the details on the clouds.  However, the “object” is out of focus. It is this reason that leads me to believe, the objects are very close to the camera lens.  A bug crawling across the lens of flying just in front of the lens, probably accounts for these UFOs profiled here.  It is added here for reference purposes. The following was published by…

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The following was submitted to MUFON (and special thanks to UFO Casebook for editing): I was walking my dog and was walking easy. She started acting very scared and tried to run for home. I looked around to see if something spooked her. I looked up and saw this object drop out of the sky and stopped dead, it didn’t slow down. It just stopped and hovered about 500 feet away from me, and about 700 feet from me, and hovering about 3 buildings from my home. I didn’t hear anything, smell anything, I did however feel a buzz-like sensation.…

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The following was submitted to UFOs NorthWest: Location of Sighting: Over Portland, Oregon International Airport Date of Sighting: June 9, 2015 Time of Sighting: 11:37 PM PDT Description: About 10 minutes ago my wife asked me what a light in the sky was. I got up and looked outside the window looking towards the Portland Airport and saw 2 bright lights to the south of us. We live in Vancouver, WA. After a few minutes the lights started moving west slowly. As they moved they seemed to get lower too. We lost sight after it went behind some trees. These…

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The following was submitted to UFOs NorthWest: Location of Sighting: Mercury, Nevada Date of Sighting: 1975 Time of Sighting: 2:30 PM Pacific Time Description: I was moving from Carson City, NV to Oklahoma City, OK in 1975. I was young, but witnessed something I have never forgot. My father and I were in his truck with CB communication to my mother’s vehicle and to a friend of my father’s that was moving to Oklahoma for work. Anyway we were close to Mercury, Nevada in the daytime. My father pointed out a space ship, well that’s what he called it because…

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The following was submitted to UFOs NorthWest: Location of Sighting: Brandon, Mississippi Date of Sighting: May 14, 2015 Time of Sighting: 9:16 PM CDT Description: The witness called and reported his sighting about one week after it happened. The witness was outside “messing” with his boat. He saw the object in the dusk sky. The witness grabbed his cell phone and began videoing the object. Four other family members also witnessed the sighting. The object showed various colors (blue, red and green). The object moved erratically and appeared to change shapes. The object was seen over Ross Barnett Reservoir. The…

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