Author: John Greenewald

The following was submitted to UFOs NorthWest: Location of Sighting: Prescott, Arizona Date of Sighting: September 7 or September 14, 2014 Time of Sighting: 7:05 PM MST Description: The witness called and report his sighting several months after it occurred. He had reported it to other UFO groups, but received no response. A clip of the interview with the witness is available above. The witness felt compelled to go outside. He at once saw a bright white light approaching from the north. The light continued to grow in brightness and size. The light then descended over the local airport. The…

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The following case was submitted to UFOs NorthWest: Location of Sighting: Dana Point, California Date of Sighting: December 2, 2013 Time of Sighting: 5:44 PM PST Description: I see strange movement from craft out over the ocean all the time. Even hesitantly flying out of clouds to park itself in the sky to become what everybody would think is a star. But, what you’ll see in this video is a bit different. I never saw it because it was not viewable to the naked eye. I used infrared video to see what I might capture and I think you’ll find…

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Location of Sighting: Edmond, Oklahoma Date of Sighting: February 26, 2015 Time of Sighting: 10:33 PM CST Description: The witness called and reported his encounter about 4 months after it occurred. He had been in bed and woke up and saw an entity in his room. The entity was gray colored, about 5 feet 10 inches tall and had humanlike attributes. The witness got up and let his dog outside. He at once saw a triangular UFO hovering near his home. He also saw a little girl while outside. When he went inside he saw a figure through the glass…

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This unknown object was captured using the FREE UFO Detector software on 6/8/2015 over North Hollywood, California. I am going to say up front, it is quite possible this is a balloon.  At one point in the video, I THINK you can see what appears to be a string. However, it is only there for a short moment. Here are two screen shots of that moment: High Resolution Video – High Definition 720P Download For those interested in analysis, here is a link to the highest resolution available (720P HD – Lossless / Uncompressed): Capture–2015-06-08–19-16-57.avi (96MB) How was this captured? This video was…

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The following summary was published by UFO Evidence, and is archived here for reference. Full copyrights are recognized for their respective owners: The story of the Voronezh aliens recounts the adventures of several young children who claimed to have seen a three-eyed alien with a robot escort. The alien was said to be about nine foot tall. The craft, according to eye witness testimony, landed on the outskirts of the city. Shortly thereafter, the tall alien appeared, and upon seeing the young lad, shot a type of weapon at him, causing him to vanish before the eyes of the other…

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