Author: John Greenewald

The following was published by the Daily Mail, on January 20, 2010. It is archived here for reference, with full credit given to the copyright owner: By CLAIRE BATES, Daily Mail A strange jellyfish-shaped object spotted hanging in the sky over Norway, may have been caused by light from the aurora being bounced off a space satellite, experts say. If proven it will be the first known case of a satellite reflecting the Northern Lights. The mysterious phenomenon was photographed last week by amateur photographer Per-Arne Milkalsen over Andenesm, Norway. The photographer became fascinated with aurorae after working at a…

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Description: The witness called and reported his sighting nearly 40 years after it occurred. He felt compelled to report it. A clip of my interview with the witness is posted above. The witness was driving from Fort Hood (Killen, TX) to Temple, TX. He saw a disk shaped craft with lights all around it (on the perimeter of the disk). The witness immediately knew that the craft “did not belong to Uncle Sam.” The object abruptly vanished after 30 seconds. The witness was alone at the time of the sighting. Additional Information History of Ft. Hood, Texas Sixty years…

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The following was submitted to The Black Vault directly, and the images are used with permission. They are copyrighted to their respective owner. I obtained this artifact from the estate of a woman in Iowa about 9-10 years ago. I purchased it from her grandson, who had characterized it as simply a “carved stone head”. He knew nothing about it – only that he had found it in a box of his grandmother’s possessions after she passed at age 85 or so. After I purchased it, I pressed him for more details about its possible origin. He indicated he would…

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QUESTIONS LINGER AFTER STRANGE EPISODE CONCERNS FOR COMMUNITY SAFETY SQUASHEDBy Kenny Young Those few residents of Centerville, Ohio who were up and about around 5:30 a.m. on Saturday morning, March 6, 2004 were going about their normal routines, waiting for daylight to break. Activity at police dispatch headquarters, meanwhile, was anything but routine. Phone lines began to light up with citizen complaints of bizarre ‘flashing in the sky’ and electrical disruptions that seized a large area from Lakeview Drive to Bethel Road, Stone Lake and Linden. One after another the calls came in. “Centerville Police?” said the flustered police dispatcher…

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The following report was collected by the late UFO researcher Kenny Young. It is archived here for reference: Subject: UFO Sighting DATE: Monday morning, January 12, 2004,2:58 a.m. Location: Yelton St., Amelia, OH (Clermont County) Summary: A lighted, disc-shaped object with a hump was seen hovering silently over homes near Amelia, Ohio.  The object, which moved in a bizarre fashion said by witnesses to “drop and stop” near the East Fork vicinity, was sighted by at least three separate persons in Clermont County at 2:58 a.m., early Monday morning, January 12.  Also seen was a shadow that ‘transformed into a…

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