Author: John Greenewald

The following was submitted to UFO Casebook, and used here with permission: Hi BJ – how are you doing there my friend? In the past I have sent many reports; Today I have more to share that I’m sure you will find quite interesting. On Wednesday, May 6th 2015, I went outside in Scarborough to our work parking lot camera in hand at 3:03pm After a couple of minutes checking the clear sky with some jet trails, I noticed a strange object glinting light on and off to the north at 3:05 pm. It was maybe just over half mile…

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Description: My daughter and I observed three or four orange glowing shapes moving diagonally from behind the apartment buildings in the Rock creek Park Area by the Duke Ellington Bridge in DC. We saw this from our apartment in Washington, DC 20009 at 11:42-11:45 PM on May 9, 2015. We also saw a cluster of bright white lights in the distance to the left that were still at first and then glided out of sight. I have five more pictures and a video that is very spotty, but you can see the objects moving up to the sky especially if…

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The following video was obtained from Western University, and full credit is given to them for digitizing this material.  It holds the following caption/description in the library: Jack Webster interviews California resident George Van Tassel, who claims to have been visited by aliens on flying saucers that used anti-gravity technology. During the interview Van Tassel discusses the formula for time travel taught to him on a visit to a UFO, and its relationship to the Earth’s magnetic field. In later years Van Tassel would be known for the Integratron, a large dome-shaped rejuvenation device he only partially completed in the…

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The following was published by the late UFO Researcher Kenny Young. It is archived here for reference: SUMMARY On August 24, 2004 I spoke at length with a female subject from the Lucasville, Ohio vicinity. This persons name will not be divulged in this report. She contacted the Cincinnati UFO Hotline (513-588-4548) to report recent UFO sightings that have taken place over a period of several days near her area. She said that she has video of a UFO from August 17 and also from the last night and earlier this morning. She candidly admits that the video is of…

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The following was written and cataloged by the late UFO Research Kenny Young. It is archived here for reference: By E-mail advisement, a 34-year old resident of Lancaster, Ohio has reported a UFO sighting by 3-witnesses.The claimant, a 36-year old friend and his 17-year old son observed the object before a thunderstorm hit the area around 7:30 p.m. on Saturday,August 28, 2004, they observed an unusual object in the skies directly over the city of Lancaster, Ohio. “This may sound nuts,” the witness wrote,”but right before the storm hit at around 7:30 P.M, I saw something right over the city…

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