Author: John Greenewald

Hoax or Easily Explainable / Misidentified For months, the world has waited for the release of alleged “Roswell Alien” slides that were teased in 2014.  Of course highly controversial, these slides were believed to have been the “Smoking Gun” – with irrefutable proof aliens exist and have visited Earth. After months of waiting, researchers attached to this story (which include Donald Schmitt, Tom Carey, Richard Dolan, and Jaime Maussan) decided that May 5, 2015, or Cinco de Mayo, was the right day to reveal to the world what was on these slides. Well, that is, if you wanted to fork over…

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Description: I had just put my infant daughter to bed and stepped outside for a breath of fresh air and much needed break when I first noticed several starlike objects that would disappear and reappear. They pulsated with random light color and strength. The objects were in the NE direction and at one point I observed that there were more than one or two lights. The wind was still and visibility was high. The weird part is that my dog refused to come outside with me and the video I took with my cell phone has the most unusual audio…

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Description: I saw an object that was boomerang shaped and cloud (white) colored. You could almost see through it. A bright white light was traveling along side it. It was moving in a south-east direction at approximately 900 to 1350 MPH and it was silent. I couldn’t tell how high up it was. It was maybe was at 1,000 feet altitude. It took 4 seconds to move over my head and disappear over the mountains into the blue sky. I was trying to figure out what I was looking at for the first few seconds. Then it made a maneuver…

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