Alien Encounters

Two Claim to Have Been Abducted by Alien Entities. Lost 10 Hours Time

Date of Sighting: December 21, 2006 Time of Sighting: 8 PM Local Time Date Reported:…

Teen Felt Compelled to Go Outdoors. He Lost 17 Hours of Time

Date of Sighting: February, 2007 - Weekday. (Exact Date Unknown) Time of Sighting: Incident Began…

Man Says He Encountered Unknown Entities During Night

Date of Sighting: July 13, 2010 Time of Sighting: Early Morning Hours Location of Sighting:…

Man Recalls Terrifying Encounter With Unknown Entities

Date of Sighting: July 26 (or 27), 2010 Time of Sighting: Between Midnight and 3…

Woman Has Terrifying Experience During Middle of Night

Date of Sighting: August 28, 2010 Time of Sighting: 2 to 4 AM CDT Location…

Woman Sees Blue Lights. Has Missing Time Episode

Date of Sighting: August 30, 2010 Time of Sighting: 10:55 PM to Midnight CDT Location…

Two Brothers See “Sting Ray” Shaped Object. Experience 6 Hours of Missing Time

Date of Sighting: June 18, 1990 Time of Sighting: Near Sunrise Duration of Sighting: About…

Dream Depicting UFO Encounter and Possible Alien Abduction

I just woke up and I had the most intense dream my recall has ever…

Unknown Object Appears in MRI

The following was submitted to The Black Vault in July of 2014. After a few…

Close Encounter of the Fifth Kind

This is a story of an astonishing true account of a “close encounter of the…