Hillary Clinton & John Podesta Say She Will Release UFO & Alien Files If Elected President

Copyright 2016 Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc. All rights reserved. This article is archived here under fair…

UFO sighting in the City Centre, Brisbane Australia

The following case was submitted directly to The Black Vault, and is used with permission.…

Unexplained Formation of Objects on NASA Photograph from Space Shuttle STS-100

Background In March of 2016, a "viral" story resurfaced about a UFO in a NASA…

Uncloaking UFO over North Western Fairfield Co., Ohio

The following case was submitted to The Black Vault, and is used here with permission.…

Woman Takes Several Photos of Strange Aerial Lights over Everett, Washington

Location of Sighting: Everett, Washington Date of Sighting: October 15, 2015 Time of Sighting: 10:30…

Witness Fires Gun at UFO, 1914

The following is part of the Henry McKay Archives. It is used here on The…

UFO Witnesses Wave at Witnesses, Papua, New Guinea, 06/26/1959

The following is part of the Henry McKay Archives. It is used here on The…

The Henry McKay UFO Classification System

The following is part of the Henry McKay Archives. It is used here on The…

Fire Officer’s Guide to Disaster Control, Chapter 13, “Enemy Attack and UFO Potential”

Note from The Black Vault Chapter 13 of the FIRE OFFICER'S GUIDE TO DISASTER CONTROL by WILLIAM…

The CIA’s 2016 Guide to “How To Investigate a Flying Saucer”

Background Note from The Black Vault: Playing off the popularity of the return of The…