UFO Photographed in Hot Springs, MT

The following was submitted to The Black Vault. It is used here, with permission. I've…

Mystery lights over Houston keep people talking about UFOs

The following was published by the Houston Chronicle. It is archived here for reference and…


The following is part of the Henry McKay Archives. It is used here on The…

UFO buzzed a vintage B-25 Mitchell bomber as it approached for landing in Santa Margarita, CA

The following was submitted to MUFON, and is archived here for reference and research: An…

An unknown quickly moving object got in a shot in the early morning on July, 14, Ukraine

This report was originally filed with MUFON. It is archived here for reference. In the…

Family See & Take Photos of Strange Lights

Location of Sighting: Chanhassen, Minnesota Date of Sighting: August 9, 2015 Time of Sighting: 10:30…

Couple Terrified by Bright Light Flashes to Rear of Car

The following was submitted to my friends over at UFOs NorthWest. It is republished here,…

Man Finds Unknown Object in the Background of one of his photos – Corvallis, Oregon

Description: I found an unknown object in a photo I took. I never saw it…

UFO With Bright Orange Light Filmed Over Newark, Ohio

The following video was posted on YouTube by user Punky Doodle. The following is the description…

UFO sighting in Sussex

A SPEEDING UFO was seemingly spotted following in the wake of the RAF Vulcan which…