Multiple Red-Orange Lights Appear Vanish Repeatedly in Blanchester, Ohio

The following case is from UFOs NorthWest, and is used here with permission. Location of…

Analysis of a Metal Chunk Purportedly from a UFO (1995)

Background In 1995 a chunk of metal fell from an unknown “craft” flying overhead. The…

Analysis of a Boot Worn by A Witness During a Purported Close UFO Encounter (Indiana/Ohio, August 24-25, 2005)

Background The event is described in the analytical request by William Puckett. An edited account…

Analysis of Tree Branches which Purportedly Came into Contact with a UFO (Centerville, Ohio, March 6, 2004)

Background An unusual event happened in Centerville, Ohio at approximately 5:30 a.m. Saturday morning March…