Case File Status: Fraudulent report submitted to MUFON.
Witness plagiarized a photo owned by Jim Kerr.
This report prepared by Jim Kerr, TBV Investigtions
On 12/29/2018, I was reviewing MUFON case files on the Facebook group “MUFON Global.” When I saw MUFON case number 93741, I immediately recognized the craft in the photo as a still photo/video-frame from the video I shot back on July 24, 2013, at 9:00 pm. in the Antelope Valley, Ca. I downloaded the photo’s from the MUFON investigation, compared them to my photo, and they are a match.
The Evidence

MUFON investigated, and published the follow article:

The Analysis
On 12/29/2018 I was reviewing MUFON case files on the Facebook group “MUFON Global.” When I saw MUFON case number 93741, I immediately recognized the craft in the photo as a still photo/video-frame from the video I shot back on July 24, 2013, at 9:00 pm. in the Antelope Valley, Ca. I downloaded the photo’s from the MUFON investigation, compared them to my photo, and they are a match.
The photo submitted by MUFON’s witness was plagiarized from one of two possible websites.
#1, an article I published on The Truth Denied website on 03/19/2015.
#2, a UFO investigation I conducted for The Black Vault / TBV Investigations, published on 09/28/2018.
It was obvious that the MUFON witness photoshopped his photo inserting my photo to his, rotating the craft in a slight counterclockwise direction. I could take this investigation one step further and send the photos to a professional photo analysis, but I don’t believe this is necessary. Any investigators trained eye can determine that the MUFON photo and mine are the same.
Photo Comparison
The photo on the left is the MUFON witness’ photo. The photo on the right is owned by Jim Kerr. The witness superimposed Jim Kerr’s image into his own photo rotating the craft in a slight counterclockwise direction. Compare the cropped and enlarged photos. The image of the craft are the same.
Additional Information
The craft described in the MUFON report was NOT a UFO. On July 24, 2013, at 9:00 pm, my wife and I observed this craft take off vertically from the USAF Plant 42 in Palmdale, Ca. Although we consider it “unidentified” we are confident it is some type of classified military project. My wife and I watched this three times, three weeks apart, same day of the week at 9:00 pm.
I find it sad that in today’s world of Ufology that unethical individuals find it necessary to fake UFO sightings, photos, and video using CGI, Photoshop and other programs. As a UFO Investigator for TBV Investigations, we run across our share of fake reports, intentionally manipulated photos/video, and we expose these frauds to the public. Plagiarized material is also becoming popular and harder for investigators to discern. It has become necessary for UFO investigators to question every report, photo, and video submitted by the witnesses.
I hope that MUFON will review my investigation and expose their witness’ sighting and photo as a hoax. MUFON is welcome to contact me through TBV Investigations to discuss my findings. They are also welcome to meet with me to inspect the data on my computer. As UFO investigators we need to assist each other in exposing fake UFO reports.
My conclusion; Fraudulent report submitted to MUFON. Witness plagiarised a photo owned by Jim Kerr.
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