Navy CHINFO Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) Briefing Card, 24 July 2020

April 15, 2022

The following document was released via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) from the U.S. Navy. It is a "briefing…

Navy ‘Releases’ 2020 Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon “Information Memo”

April 13, 2022

Last week, the U.S. Navy released under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) a June 16, 2020, "Information Memo" on…

Newly Released NRO Documents Reveal Extent Of UAP Involvement and Contributions to UAP Task Force Report

April 8, 2022

Just weeks ago, The Black Vault secured a partial release of the classified UAP report given to Congress on June…

New Details Emerge About “Gimbal” UAP Encounter; Briefing Breakdown

April 6, 2022 In December of 2017, the "Gimbal" video was published by the NY Times. Since then, it has captivated believers…

Hawaii false missile alert – January 13, 2018

April 4, 2022

Background On January 13, 2018, a false ballistic missile alert was issued via the Emergency Alert System and Commercial Mobile…

The Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) DIRD Report Research

March 31, 2022

Investigation Status: Ongoing – Last Updated 3/31/2022 This page will continue to be updated as additional DIRD reports are released.…

JP 3-72, Nuclear Operations, 11 June 2019

March 29, 2022

This publication provides fundamental principles and guidance to plan, execute, and assess nuclear operations. Document Archive JP 3-72, Nuclear Operations,…

June 2021 Classified UAP / UFO Report Given to Congress Partially Released

March 23, 2022 With a small triumph in the effort to get transparency on a hot topic issue, The Black Vault has…

Defense Warning Office (DWO) List of Reports, 2009 – 2012

March 23, 2022

The Defense Warning Office (DWO) was a division within the Defense Intelligence Agency that produced threat assessments relevant to the…

Agency Cafeterias – Complaints & Menus

March 21, 2022

Background You can get quite a bit of material under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) even copies of cafeteria…