NASA’s Mars Perseverance Rover Provides Front-Row Seat to Landing, First Audio Recording of Red Planet

February 22, 2021 The following is NASA press release 21-021 released February 22, 2021. New video from NASA’s Mars 2020 Perseverance rover…

The UFO Legend of Unknown “Metal Alloys” Housed in a Secret Las Vegas Warehouse

February 19, 2021

By John Greenewald, Jr. – The Black Vault – Originally Published February 19, 2021 In the past week, a claim…

Flying Saucers from Denmark, UFO Debris Photos, Circa 1947

February 19, 2021

Background The following documents were obtained from the U.S. Army (FOIA Case #143F-97) by The Black Vault via the Freedom…

Touchdown! NASA’s Mars Perseverance Rover Safely Lands on Red Planet

February 18, 2021

The following is NASA press release 21-018, released February 18, 2021, and is archived here for reference.  The largest, most…

Exploitation of Metallic Fragment from Unidentified Flying Object, 4 May 1966

February 16, 2021 Background The following document comes from the UFOs: The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Collection. The Black Vault has had…

Jetpack Man Sighting over Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), August 30, 2020

February 15, 2021

Background On August 30, 2020, numerous sightings of what appears to be a person flying a jet pack above Los…

Murky Waters Drowning “UFO Debris” Claims

February 12, 2021

(see below for a two part video presentation on this topic) by John Greenewald, Jr. – The Black Vault –…

The REAL Story Behind the FOIA Request and UFO Debris Story – February 9, 2021

February 10, 2021

Background So frustrating to have to do a video like this, but as traction grows today on various social media…

Project Argus: Prolonged Isolation Study by the U.S. Navy, 1962

February 5, 2021

Background According to one of the documents below, the following best describes Project Argus: The Navy has long been aware…

Operation Argus – High-Altitude Nuclear Detonations in 1958

February 3, 2021

Background In late summer of 1958, the United States Navy Task Force 88 (TF 88) conducted one of the U.S.’s…