Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) Memos on Creating Presidential Daily Briefs for Donald Trump

October 16, 2020

Background The President's Daily Brief (PDB), sometimes referred to as the President's Daily Briefing or the President's Daily Bulletin, is…

Roe v. Wade Supreme Court Opinion Document, Decided January 22, 1973

October 15, 2020

Background The following is from Wikipedia to help explain the background: Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), was a…

Russian Bounty Program Targeting American Troops in Afghanistan

October 12, 2020

Background According to Wikipedia: The Russian bounty program is an alleged project of Russian military intelligence, specifically Unit 29155 of…

The NY Times and the Unreported UAP Encounters

October 9, 2020 by John Greenewald, Jr. -- The Black Vault -- Originally Published 10/9/20 On May 12, 2020, Tyler Rogoway and…

FBI Files: Mark Felt aka “Deep Throat” Informant from Watergate Scandal

October 7, 2020

Background William Mark Felt Sr. (August 17, 1913 – December 18, 2008) was an American law enforcement officer who worked…

The FBI’s Public Access Line (PAL) Manuals and Procedures

October 7, 2020

Background According to the FBI: The FBI Public Access Line, or PAL, will take calls, faxes, e-mails, and more out…

Soviet Views on Military Operations in Space, July 1986

October 6, 2020

Background According to the abstract, this report studies the Soviet reaction to the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). Document Archive Soviet…

John McAfee Indicted for Tax Evasion, October 5, 2020

October 5, 2020

Background On October 5, 2020, the Department of Justice released the following press release: An indictment was unsealed today charging…

FEMA Mismanaged the Commodity Distribution Process in Response to Hurricanes Irma and Maria, September 25, 2020

October 2, 2020

Background The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) mismanaged the distribution of commodities in response to Hurricanes Irma and Maria in…

GAO Report: COVID-19 — Federal Efforts Could Be Strengthened by Timely and Concerted Actions, September 2020

September 24, 2020

Background In the government’s ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Congress and the administration have taken action on multiple…